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You know, I just realized Santa will die

One day, when a car crash knocked out my power lines, I kind-of sat for a bit and y’know, thought things over because I was bored. For some reason, I decided to think about Santa Clause, and then I thought of some more things. Then, I reached Global Warming.

Even IF Santa has a magic sleigh can probably fly, once the Ozone rips, he’ll be irradiated. Why doesn’t he have Skin Cancer yet? Seriously, if he has the cure to cancer, he should give it to us as a gift. Maybe no one asked yet? read more

Ignore me

Or you’ll be leaving with serious brain damage. You have been warned.

*rant goes here*
I’ve stumbled upon Aaru’s, Lex’s, and Sora’s (friend’s and friendofbrother’s) accounts on Mmotales. Complete accident. WEEEEIRRRD, EH?!
Yes. very yes.

Don’t read my blogs if you don’t plan to go insane as a career change any time in the future. read more