Well im talking about RP and for all the people who dont know what RP is its Roleplay. People are saying to get into RP again. But before this happens, the person who owns MMOtales (i think its mr.basil O_O) should put a major safety update thingie too make this site safer. Hackers.. BEWARE!!
All posts by MeepsterXP
A great Ludi PQ tutorial!
Kerning PQ Made fun?
Alright. Me ish play scania :D!! Once a get a my warrior lvl 21 i will start PQing with u people! 100% fun or ur money back :D! now for the real blog.
Do you get disrespect as a leader for kerning PQ? Do u have noobs in ur party? Do u want to kill the slimes from king slime?!!?
Well these are simple ways of making the PQ FUN :D!!! (i PQed with 3 lvl 21’s and i was lvl 21 myself. Im gald i had good crap even though i did roughly 100 damage each lucky 7 to king slime)
How to be a good LUDI pq leader
1) Have okay internet (dont lead with dial up ._.;;)
2) Have an awesome autoclicker or use ur premade autoclicker (ur hand)
3) Once u get in help out ur teammates.
Stage 1: Yay you got in! Ur teammates are happy and ur proud :D!!! well either be lazy sit back and make ur teammates work or u help and be a part of the team! kill mice from bottom to top. It helps if u help kill and the person closes takes the passes. In the end u get all of them quicker.
Pics of my old characters
How i miss them so much… oh im a male btw ._.
Maple Skill assassinate for sins?
To clear up the confusion assassinate is for chiefys only. Wizet is just kinda un imangative rightnow. AKA they cant think. After tespia skillz are over (AKA beta testing) assassinate will be off the cahrts of the night roads. (4th job hermit.
!@#$ omg!!! hacked again
My MMO day. My 4th account got hacked. MeepsterXP! That reminded me about my knifethief88 account, my LightningXP/AsSaSs1nXP/SpearXP account, My Pikabandit, My AzNArCheR889 (got banned) account and finally today. My MeepsterXP. That reminded me of all the good times of beta. Okay sure there were a lot of hackers but my accounts never got hacked. I found 2 keyloggers on my computer and delted them. Tip: Dont trust public UCE’s (undected cheat engines) make ur own.
Chapter 1: Lith Harbor and Kerning city.
I finally gathered the courage to go to lith harbor. I went in. Everything was new. The walls seem to sparkle. The ocean was near. There was a beach nearby. In the far east corner of the city there was a bank. North east was a weapon shop. I bought a Kari sword (beta name for long sword). It was a bit stronger then my fruitknife but a little heavier. There was a potion shop in the middle of the town. There also near the middle of the town was a man with a green hat like a viking. He explained about how to become a theif, bowman, warrior, or magician. I asked him where to become a thief. He said Kerning city. He then gave me a world map of victoria island. I never been as far as the outskirts of Myth Harbor. I am currently 13. I guess it will be my first time to travel. My equipment was weak. A black bandana. A regular white t-shirt. Jean shorts and a kari sword. I set off for kerning city know it would be dangerous. I killed a couple of snails before I got to a place on my map that says “The three way split.” I went north because kerning was farther north of lith harbor. I climbed a couple of latters and saw a monster i haven’t seen before. It had an orange cap on its head and was like a mushroom. I took out my sword and attacked it. It was quite powerful but after a few slashed i killed it. It dropped some money and its cap. I took both and walked down the trail that led to kerning. I saw powerful monsters. Some i had to run away because of how powerful they were. When i got to the outskirts kerning city i realized it was a gangster type town. I went in the city. I asked where to become a thief. A guy pointed out to the fusion bar. I went in and saw a vampire type person. I asked him if i could become a thief. He simply stood there. Then suddenly threw a subi ninja star. I quickly dodged it and asked “What was that for!?” He simply repiled “To test ur dexterity.” Then he gave me a blue pot and told me to drink it. I drank it and a glowing light engulfed me. Around 2 seconds later the formed wings and disappeared. I was now a thief.
Maple Story: Myth Harbor
Years ago. When there acutally was a place called Myth Harbor people lived in peace and had mystical weapons. Everyone helped in protecting this perfect community. It was safe nice and clean. I, Aaron am writing of memories that I remmeber ever since that fateful day happened. It was bright and sunny. My sister and I went snail hunting for snail shells. My sister decided to take a break and go back home. We weren’t that far. So I agreed. We lived in a small house on the side of the busy city. Armed with a fruit knife I killed a couple of snails and collected the snail shells they drop. Sometimes they drop poweful mysitcal rolls. I killed my last one and it dropped a blue scroll. It read “dagger.” I placed it on my fruit knife. My fruit knife glowed with a mystical glow and it became more offensive. I was gald. I went back home. A dark mist was in the surroundings. I came close to it. I stopped and sniffed the air. It was poison. I ran back and waited a day. Sleeping in a haven i made a while back ago. I ran back and to my surpise everyone was dead. Everyone besides my sister. Father and mother lay dead. My mother with a powerful weapon called the maple kayando and my father held a mystical sword called the Maple soul slinger. I took them and buryed my mother and father. I couldn’t find my sister. Maybe she escaped, didn’t die. I don’t know. It’s been 3 years now and i am now able to use stronger weapons and defend for myself. My sister however i do not know. I will conitnue to serech for her. Myth harbor disappeared and a new harbor was built. Lith harbor. I am in henesys where i live in a emtpy abandoned house. There are a few mushrooms but oh well. End diary.
My random cahr =D
MeepsterXP scania add me if u wish :]