All posts by MeepsterXP

How to do the get killed anywhere glitch

First, (this is obvious) make urself have low HP. (weapon booster for people who have it.) or strip and get hit rapidly. Then when u have 8 HP. Jump of a ledge and hold a direction u want and hold Q b4 u land (works best for a laggy comp. Sadly i have a quick comp -.-). Sorry no screenies since im in San Jose. Which is at my Grandpa’s house. read more

Maya’s House Scania ch.1

Reasons why its bad.
2.Too many asking :MESOS?! MESOS Pl0X? I GOT HACKED GIMMIE MESOS etc etc.
3. Too many perverts.
4. Too much cybering (i’ve seen enough ._.)
Why its FUn to be there
1. Make new friends
2. You get use to it if u been hanging out there since chirstmas of last year (Im MeepsterXP in scania :D)
3. Its fun when every1 there knows u :] read more

Chapter 3: Round One

Simple notes for people who haven’t read my previous blogs:
Evil Zakum going to destroy humaity and the univerise.
Aaron and team arrived in orbis.

Aaron has never been to orbis. He were shocked, and amazed by the site of the Orbis.
“Wow. Look at all the buildings. Pretty….” Aaron said dumbfounded of how it was built. Rikku said nothing because she has been here 5 years ago when she was young. Eva and Cloud have been through Orbis because they had to to go El Nath. Aaron and his team arrvied at the gates and set off. They looked thoughout the city and on the righter edge of the city was the statium.
“Tournament passes please.” A person from a ticket booth asked. Aaron gave them the passes. The person from the ticket booth confirmed them.
“Your room is #101.” The ticket booth person said. Aaron and his team went to their rooms. 3 rooms were the only ones available since they were the last to be confirmed. Aaron and Rikku shared the larger room. The all unpacked and left the room.
“Team 7 and team 10 please report to the staidum grounds.” The speakers boomed. read more

Chapter Two: Orbis

Aaron opened his mail box and discovered a letter from Orbis. Aaron carefully opened it and a letter read out information on the tournament.

“Dear Aaron,
You are now offically in the national tournament of heros. Your team number is team 7. Packed in this letter are 4 tickets to orbis and back. Also there are 4 tournament passes. Don’t lose them. Tournament passes symbolize you are in the tournament and is your room key at the Orbis hotel. First match begins 1 week from now. Your team vs. Team 10. Be there or you forfiet. read more

Maple Story: The First evil

A Pikamaster production
Proulouge: In a world called Maple, a place of peace and harmony. A world without war where creatures and humans lived in peace. A time where the world was happy. Until a great evil spread over the world. Only the monsters were effected by it. The monsters started to attack the humans! The humans had no speical powers to protect themselves. Most of the humans died but, the remaining 4 groups begged to thier own god. The dark lord, Athena Pierce, Grendel the Really Old, and Dances with Barlog. To their surpise there wishes were granted. The Dark lord gave his group the abilities of a rouge, bandit, and assassin. Grendel gave the powers of a magaicain, Lightning/ice magician, fire/posion magician and cleric. Dances with barlogs gave the powers of a Warrior, a spearman, fighter, and page. The Athena gave the powers of a bowman, crossbowman, and hunter. With these new gained abilites the humans were able to fight back until they realized the monster that soon will destory there whole world without a fight. Zakum. read more

Chapter one: The Tournament

I finshed it off. Please read the rest :]

Ever since the people of the world called Maple found out about Zakum, a tournament was held in place to see who can face this evil creature. Grendel and some of his most talented students studied Zakum and was said that he would rise in 2 years. In 2 years the ultimate battle between monster and humans will happen. read more