All posts by MeepsterXP


Title=What I had for breakfast today.

Prettyfly by The Offspring

“GIVE IT TO ME BABY, UH HUH UH HUH, GIVE IT TO ME BABY, UH HUH UH HUH, GIVE IT TO ME BABY UH HUH UH HUH, and all the girls say i’m a pretty fly for a…”

Yeah Sorry I love that song and I started spamming it on my BL. Then my buddy list started to sing ._.

Anyways I was GRINDING, grinding, and grinding, and GAYYY wait ._. NO NO NO I R NOT GAY D: It’s from a song
“I feel pretty, I feel pretty, I feel pretty, and witty and GAYYY” Yeah D: It’s from that song I’M NOT GAY STOP IT ;_; I REJECT ALL YOU GUYS. read more

Nexon hates Global.

Ever wonder why we never got those 2x EXP cards till late in the game while Maple Europe and Maple Sea got it in their early stages? How offical Taiwan Maple Story has 11+ servers and forth job, not to mention uber cash items released sometimes even before Korean Maple Story? How Maple Sea got EVERYTHING before Global did and they started AFTER Global? Note Taiwan Maple Story also started after Global and they are face to face with JMS. The only thing exclusive for us is New Maple city, and it isn’t even that amazing compared to the Singaporean Maps, Taiwan 101 tower, and what not. I mean the Taiwan 101 tower has new hair styles and new bosses. What do we get in New Leaf City? Yeah we got the oh so famous Emo hair (which is now over rated.) but did we get any new bosses? No. Any intresting monsters? I mean an elephant blowing out fire…(IT’S OVER 9000) A killer plant… A machine spider… == a bee… The singaporean map also has that uber captain ghost boss. read more

Maple Story till now Part 1.

Writing this in school. So it won’t be long.

4 years ago I started Maple Story in a little place known as Japanese Maple Story Kaede. It was while Tespia beta testing for Global Maple Story was out. I played as “stupid”Pikachu which as been deleted twice. I played into level 25, and gained little experience in playing the game. Since I knew the basics I started Global Maple Story for a couple months. I made PowerChubbs which later on become a level 5x fighter and a sin I forgot hte IGN of. PowerChubbs was one of the several chubbs characters my friends and I made. (Real life). read more

Kerning PQ rant here.

I’m here to rant about the idiots of Kerning PQ. I seem to be a famous track in Scania now, I know a lot of people from the famous “KernCityPQ” guild, and I get in a lot. Whenever I get into a channel now people all go “ccplz D:<.” But Ignore them. Easy as fudge cookies.


Looking for PQ@@@@@@@@@ read more

She touched herself O_O?

Lol, ignore the title. Listening to a song. I can get sexual or something like that. It’s a funny song :3

AaronFTW YET AGAIN is KPQing. I swear, I gotten in over 70 KPQs. NOT ONCE DID I GET A (insert bad word here) OVERALL DEX SCROLL. ORES ORES ORES (insert bad word here) ORES… MY GOSH. I made new friends and I asked a friend to marry me ._. She said yes Lol… o_o What else? Oh, Uhh ._.;; FruitCup died. I’m going to make Pikachuz0rz an archer, uhh I got scammed 2M ._. and yeah. NOt much is happening. o_o read more

Scroll Simulator

Bored much? Try out this simulator


Yeah i’m bored…. Maple Story is like the only thing I do on the computer >_>;;

Try each scroll 10 times

10%0 (0%)10 (100%)
30%4 (40%)3 (30%)3 (30%)3
60%5 (50%)5 (50%)
70%5 (50%)3 (30%)2 (20%)
100%10 (100%)0 (0%)10

The return to JMS

I returned to JMS, but this time acutally introducing myself to a nice community. There is this whole new fourm based on English people playing JMS!!!

Well the screenshots show my day.

Tu Madre

Lol Maple Story seriously has been more fun now. With new MMOtales friends (Nezzy<3 and Wayne <3) Maple Story has become more fun !!!


Okay yah. No screenies as usual. (Need a harddrive update so i’m not risking screenie space.)

Real blog ~

So, it all began at level 56. My guild is going crazy on leveling (Planning to sell Zhelms during the summer time), I went crazy on leveling and yah… read more