All posts by LunarPanda

Chest Quains

This should be my last blog in a while, guitar lessons end today, from which my bud Denny and I are going to be self teaching via the interwebs. As a quick reminder for any aspiring WoW players or WoW altaholics (I, myself, am an altaholic) – Thunderhorn, Horde, BurnedLight. I’ll be willing to help out with any quest needs. We’ve also got a pretty active Vent. read more


It’s been a while.

A long while, actually. But I’m in my mom’s office, waiting til’ 2 for my guitar lessons-so I figured I’d hop back on MMOT and check up on what’s been happening.

First and foremost-it’s great to see the big wave of new MMOTers. Anyone else remember when there were like…ten of us? The only thing I’m pissered at is that all the blogs are still Maple blogs. read more

Frostshock & Hearthstones


-Squints eyes-
11:42 PM, EST, Sept 12, 2007

Hey guys, it’s your favorite time of day again! =D
. . .
Get your hands out of your pants.

Anyway, I’ve been great-aside from GANZICUS -Glares- cheating on me.
. . .
Nah, I’m straight.
O RLY!?!

Thanks to the much spifftastic Rya for helping me with screenies. Uber thanks. =3

Oh, right, MMO-stuff. Yeah. Um. . . -Thinks-
Right, WoW. read more

dangit. had to rewrite four times.

It’s early in the morning, I’m tired, I have school in a couple of hours, I’m hungry, and this blog didn’t go through 4 times-and I dunno why I didn’t copy and paste. Excuse the NOW shoddy quality.

Quit Maplstory. It’s mediocre, it’s boring, I’m through with it.

So, after quitting the private server I recruited Ganz to. (StonedRaiders) read more

Pandarian Warlock

Oh gheez, Anni, Rose, MasterCheeze, please forgive me in the extreme delay of your pictures, school has really entangled me in a mess, as well as weekend tutoring by my ebil cousins.

I promise to at least a coupla rough drafts in ASAP.

The orc’s head swiveled furiously, checking for any signs of the Alliance in the room. He chuckled, seeing the flag unguarded, quickly mad a dash for it. The greenish hand lunged for the delicately made symbol of peace and prosperity for the Alliance-only to find his body running back against his will. His outer body was trapped in an plague of fear, while his mind was fully concious and confused. read more

In Which the Panda is Shot Down

[Notice] Moon Bear of Black and White is accepting Tribute.

Bamboo and Pie are highly appreciated.

Mm. Still gotta go crazy on these dividers. *Sigh* I procrastinate way too much. =/
But, let’s get straight to the Panda’s MMO life, shall we? Yup.


I recently convinced Rya (MikuniZer0) to start playing FlyFF. She’s the craziest friggin’ Grinder you’ll ever meet. Level 2x in FOUR days. FOUR. Jesus Friggin’…..FOUR. She has lyke, h4cks. read more

In which the Panda faces Searing Heat

Bow to Moon Bear of Black and White.

Flashbackz0rz to like. . .Monday?

So anyway, I got Global MapleStory working again. At first, I was cheering and all that, cause I got to meet Aliyah and David and people like that.

Then I did the Amoria hair quest. Got the crapular version of the Buzzcut, with the zig zagging bald spots. Phail.

I was kinda angered by that, but eventually, got back on Bera to see my old buddies. =] It was my Guild Leader’s birthday. I was invited back to the guild, and we partied at FM7. Soooo much Melted Cheese and Cake. =] I gave him a 60% Claw and Staff scroll. Oh yus. I are t3h generous. =] read more

Flying Pandarian Geomancer

You up for it? A level 22 LunarPanda of Aibatt that flies on a nice Ignice Board.

That’s like, Sexy to the power of Panda.

Anyway, Rose and I were just going crazy yesterday, as many of you read in her blog, “Penguins and Noobs” (Refer to: link )

Anyway, I have yet to Abuse the Dividers, but that’s for another day. Anyway, let’s start with Yesterday. read more

Panda’s a HOBO??!


Vagrant-A Person who is a [poor] wanderer and has no permanent settlement.

So, what does this have to do with your Godly Panda? I’m a FlyFF’er now =]

Yeah, I just got tired, flipped the bird to my MapleStory icon, Uninstalled it, and turned on a couple of good songs as FlyFF downloaded. 47 minutes later, I grabbed myself a steaming bowl of rice and pork, dropped it on my table, and, pork still half out of my mouth, double clicked the FlyFF icon rapidly. read more