All posts by Knash

An old friend that don’t remember me…


This is to Guruji, remember me? you used to read my blogs, but you don’t anymore, most people on mmotales probably know you, but I was one of the first people here and so was Quang13 and you…..Once, my cousin messed around with my MMotales Id and you made a blog flaming me cause of it, but you had apologized to me (you didn’t have to, cause ALOT of people didn’t like me anyway), Im just sayin thank you for being my friend and here are things you said to my blogs and to me……so thank you……. read more

Sin Stuck In Suana

While I was walking throught the dungeon, my Ilbi ran out, and I had no pots or way out of the dungeon quickly. So I killed myself (running into monsters with no clothes) and landed back in sleepywood. At first, I wanted to forgot about lvling him, and switching to my hunter or fighter, but instead I chose to continue playing on Keito. I walked into the sauna place and in about 1/4 ofa second I lagged out, not even enough time to take a screenshot of it. I don’t know what to do. I contunuiously (I can’t spell) logging back in, and lagging back ouit.
Can you ppl please help me? read more

I Didn’t Know

While I was playing maple on my third to eldest char, I was thinking about how would a hunter feel as a character, and thought I should make one, but since I already had one, I decided to dust it off after not playing on it for a while. I relized that I even for got that I had anything special on him, maybe just a few thousand silver arrows, and some pots (and his lvl 75 clothes of course). But there was alot more rare stuff than that! He had NX cash, with a dog, a skull T-shirt, hip-hop jean and red air shoes. In his normal invantory, there wasn’t anything special from ludi, becuase I haven’t played on him since the end of April. But there was stuff like: 12 scrolls for Bow for ATT, 10 scroll for Spear for ATT, 7 scroll for Two-Handed Axe for ATT, a +7 holy spear, a +7 Hawkhead, 2 +5 white gloves, +5 skull earrings, 3 sets of tobi, and 2 sets of steelys, a +7 blood snowboard, a +7 Gold Snowboard, a +7 Koren Fan, a +7 Doombreaker, a +7 Deadly Fin, a +7 Sparta, a Golden Mole, and 4 Golden Crows. This might not be alot of stuff, and most of them aren’t godly, but it was a big surprise when I found them, I was like: “OMG!” in the chat box on maple. He had about 10mil too and I was in the free market, so I went to browse around and saw some stuff I could buy, but didn’t. I was thinking to myself, what would be the point in making my chars rich very simply? So I logged off my hunter, and decided to make alot more money the old fasioned way……..Killing monters around my lvl (36), and making atleast 1mil by next week. (Impossable for me, becuase I am only on for a while Saturdays and Sundays.
I have a sin that I made after my hunter on Scania too, but I didn’t feel like playing on him. He might have a surprise on him too, so I was courious to see what was on him. Now, before I logged on my sin, I knew he probably would have alot of good and rare items and weapons becuase he is a sin. Sins and wizs always get alot of rare stuff, they are fast killers and look cool doing it. XD
Anyway, I signed on my sin and found that he had 4 sets of tobi, a +7 meda, a +5 white glove, all of his clothes were scolled, with +3, +5, +2 etc…..
He also had alot of claw scrolls and dagger scrolls, with 20 gold plates and 2 or 3 glass shoes (I don’t even remember how I got them), with NX cash too, but with a cat and skull T-shirt, and hip-hop jeans. read more

End of Maple World?

Many people of earth are saying the world is going to end soon. Weather it is 1 year, or ten years, something might be destroyed. Maybe a new earth, maybe and new planet. But what if the maple world ended. No more patches, no more new quests, no more GM siteings, and no more online access to it. Wizet just throws in the towel and calls quits in further changes to the game. So one day they probably will wipeout the entire civilization of maple chars, and wizet and asiasoft ban everyone, and do not un-ban them. That probably will not happen though, becuase maple story isn’t a boring game, with the holidays and quests and stuff. And with the NX cash they get money from maple chars any way, so this probably deafanitly will not happen. But keep it in mind, just incase wizet and asiasoft, or god decide to wipeout the maple world, or earth. I am not worried, and I guess I shouldn’t be. read more

My Items

This pic is a pic of my items, i’m in the free market, so I sold the items I didn’t need. (I was in free market 7, but I was going back into 6. lol, my friends gave me all of their money, so I could take this pic, I gave them their money back. I only have 8mil. (I got some high lvled friends. Ex. lvl 101 hermit).

Maple Drops

Hey you all, here is a list of maple items drops, by monsters. This is for those who want to get a maple item, and didn’t get one yet.

Maple Bow
• Wild Boar
• Block Gollem

Maple Claw / Maple Stones *This is the same claw, named differently in SEA*
• Zombie Mushroom
• Jr. Cellion (Red Kitty)
• Wraith

Maple Crossbow
• Jr. Sentinel(Unconfirmed) read more

A story

Finish the story…..

A (name a type: Bowman, Warrior, Bandit….etc), was walking throught (name a town in victoria island), and stumbled upon (name anything). (Name a gender) passed it by, but (did something), and (Did something to it) and (The thing that was stumbled upon) turned into (name something) (and continue the story you’re way). read more

Tri Legends of Maple Part 13

Vrick looked around the room once more.
“I thought the other contenters of the tournament died it at the mansion?”
“Yes, they did, but I reborned them, brung them up here and the sandman put them asleep, until the gods wake them up. Since the tournament is a blood oath, you must compeat, weather you’re alive, or dead.” Fathertime walked out of the room. “You can sit here if you want, but the first half is in ten minutes. Fathertime walked out the doorway and down the hall. During the time Vrick had sat there, he wondered why he was in the tournament, when he had entered his name in on the list and how he got here. These were all questions that Vrick’s curiosity wanted to know. It seemed like ten minutes had gone by, but how was he supposed to tell when the tournament started, none of the clocks surrounding him had the right time on it. Suddenly, a loud sound like a train whistle had sounded off, making Vrick cover his ears. It was the clock at the end of his bed. Immediately running out the room, he saw a hall, but he didn’t know where to go. It seemed like he was in an old roman colosseum with the battle ground in front of him. So Vrick jumped off of the side of the edge, and landed on his feet at the corner of the battle ground. Then, Vrick saw a man stand up from his very tall chair, and announce something.
“WE WELCOME, VRICK SESTIO, TO THE GROUNDS.” The man shouted. “AND…..” Huge doors opened as a man walked onto the grounds. Vrick stared at the man, It was the man from the jail. The announcer started to speak again.