All posts by Klaw64

The Maple War: Eps. 5; JointVenture

Now, in this story, we get to see how crazy Will goes! Wow, lucky you guys! Two stories in one day!

Back in the Thieves’ ship, celebrations were everywhere. Bandits were playing the “knife game”, a little fun game where you stick your hand out on a table and stab everywhere, trying not to stab your fingers. Sins were launching sacks of the dead archer’s heads from the star launcher (as Will commanded). Finally, the weaklings (called Scrubbies) were burying the dead in coffins aboard the ship and turned the archers’ boat in to scrap metal and scrap wood. A Scrubbie job was not fun. But where was Steeisin? read more

The Maple War: Eps. 3; SteeiSin’s War

Good heavens, it’s been so long! Well I promise to start writing more consistently. On with the story! This one actually has a lot of action.

Steeisin poked at a bread crumb; rations weren’t looking good. In the cabin of the dank ship of the Beginners, “Captain” Steeisin’s army waited. The ship flew through the sky quickly, on its way to Perion for a surprise attack. Steeisin’s army were scattered through out the ship. Some were nervous, biting their nails. Others were praying. There were a few who were throwing stars at targets. Steeisin was stressed out; he missed his best bud TKP, he didn’t want to be in a war he didn’t know or care about. He wanted to be home, he wanted to adventure, he wanted to explore. Happy thoughts sifted from his mind like desert’s sand. Soon he will be killing everything, mindlessly, without mercy. He didn’t want to do that. Even though he was lvl 50 now and had lots of experience, the only things Steeisin wanted to kill were monsters. But it wouldn’t be like that for a while. Steeisin started to daydream; everything he had done with TKPenguin, everything he had trained on, everything he used to do.. read more

Omega Sector Fun!

Woo! Omega Sector came out today, and that means more fun for TKP! Today my buddies and I planned to go to Omega Sector, but first we decided to hang out in Ludi and fully appreciate it. After all, Omega might be the coolest thing since Santa Clause, and we could make it our permanent home! So my posse and I headed to the GateKeepers, where we had a little fun (see first and second screenies). Unfortunately, the GateKeepers weren’t very friendly (see third screenie) although they did decorate their home very well. But seriously, all I wanted was a tea party *goes on tantrum*! But all I can say is this: thank God for Safety Charms. My buddies weren’t so lucky.. hehe >=D. read more

Classifying People By Their Class

Man, normally I’m not the ranting type, I’d say a “turn the other cheek” type. But what gets me sorta angry is how people are classifying OTHER HUMANS by the class they chose. Let’s take an example from our happy BasilMarket forums. . .

Anyway this is my conclusion:
Warriors are the kindest of the classes and don’t KS.
Mages KS but don’t do it on purpose and are overall pretty nice.
Thieves are the worst class. They have the highest population, They KS everyone and everything, and they harass other players to make themselves feel good. They are also thieves :P(fame thief in my case)
Bowman are just R1tarded

Oh happy day. It just so happens his characters are mages and warriors (go figure). Most Maplers say Sins are meanie KSing monsters. That’s true for some, but not all. Sure, they have the capability, but only the mean guys in REAL LIFE take advantage of it. It’s not about the class, but the person behind the screen. read more

Why that IGN?

Okay, when you think about it, our IGN for us seems so.. taken for granted, almost invisible. It’s always there when we Maple, following your character through thick and thin, never resting. But I made this blog to appreciate our lovely IGN’s!

After ditching my long-forgotten archer in Broa, I moved on to Bera and made a bandit. His name? TKPenguin. I thought it was so original, so vibrant, so out-there! And it sort of was. Ever since I was a teeny tiny li’l kid, I thought penguins were awesome! And, TK could stand for anything. The Killer, Tha Killa, Thief Killer (lotsa killers hehe), etc. Before my craze with all the 007 games for GameCube, I named all my characters and other avatars Klaw64 (hence, my basil and MMO Tales ID name, to remember that far-away name). read more

GM Event

Yeah a few weeks ago I got in a GM Event. It was pretty cool, but the best part was I used perfect planning to get in.

It all started with my friend on my buddy list screaming out, “I GOT IN GM EVENT!!! CH 5!!!” and I was like, “woah gratz man”. He didn’t reply after that, most likely in a hurry to win the event. I rounded up my cleric buddy in case she wanted to get in an event. So we went to channel 5 and waited. Suddenly, that same friend’s MULE yelled, “I GOT IN GM EVENT AGAIN, CH 6!” read more

The Maple War, Prologue

Yeah I know there’s a few Maple War stories out there, but I really wanna write one of my own.

The Council of the Jobs had commenced. The leader of the archers asked for an alliance with all of the warriors. The warriors agreed, and the two jobs lived peacefully. After the alliance was made, the bowmen stated that the Henesys economy was dropping quickly, and they needed more than one town to satisfy their needs. All of the jobs, including the Beginners, denied this insane request to give up one of their beloved cities. The bowmen envied everyone else, the warriors with their rugged (but very easy to defend) Perion, those mages with their mystical Ellinia, the thieves with their huge city Kerning, and even the Beginners, with their Maple Island high in the sky. read more


First of all, no I’m not some emo, and yes this has something to do with MapleStory. Now that we got that clear, lemme begin…

It all started with me walking around Khaini with my buddy who we made twins with. We decided to get some training in, so we walked over to Mushroom Garden near Henesys. I go in first, and I start walking to the left. My buddy was playing MS right next to me on my other computer, and this is the conversation we had in real life: read more

Ah yes, my Broa Days

Ah yes, my Broa Days!~

When I first started MapleStory, I made my account (after having some trouble on where to find the download MS client -.-“) and chose my server: Broa. The reason? That B with all the grass growing on it looked pretty sweet! Not to mention I liked forest environments (I thought the servers were different). After choosing my character’s name; SGPenguin which I thought was pretty clever since the SG meant “shotgun”. I played with the dice stats a bit, and ended up with very mixed up stats. I made my character toben (ohhh so sick) with brown hair and blue eyes. After confirming my character, I clicked “OK” and began my Mapling. read more

My buddy…

Well I have a really good friend on Maple that I know in real life, and we want to ditch our dying guild and make our own. We already have enough money and know the name, but we can’t decide who’s gonna be leader! My friend argues that he will be paying most of the money, but I counter that by saying that I came up with a really original name. I’m afraid that my friend and I won’t even end up making the guild at all! read more