All posts by kdelacruz

My Story , Maplestory

I, myself has been playing MapleStory for a quite a while. I have been playing since Global Beta Verison. I never did regret playing maplestory.I didn’t think i would reach 3rd Job advance 2times!. The skills in maplestory are quite unique. It has skills to speed up gameplay such as Haste and Booster. The Pot system makes the game much easier. Must RPH or MMO games have a COOLDOWN or time limit to use pots and skills. There are a few cooldowns in this game but you don’t really need them. In other games your trying to fight a monster with 10hp and they damage 50 you have to run untill your cooldown sets or regular attack till your skills. Maplestory is convient it has swearing filters so even little kids can play!. What makes maplestory so exciting is the gameplay i never seen a game with the gameplay so exciting so fun. The music in the hard monsters is INTENSE it gets your hyped up just by the song. You can actually look DIVERSED from the other players. There is many clothes you could choose to wear about maplestory. There is many many more but To learn more go to OR Sign up for maplestory at! read more