All posts by JCoolMage

The Day I Became Rich

Well, Latley i have been very poor… I spend 2 mill on pots at a time.

Now i have my DK to 74, I’m using major pottage for training. And MP for my Mage is loads too,

Recently, having checked through my quest list, i noticed the Jane and The Alchemist Quest had not been attempted. So, I went to Lith, and did the 1st part…done the 2nd part… and now the 3rd part. I needed random etc, Tree Sap and Moon Rock > read more

Orbis Pq Idiots

So, today, i wake up, 8.30 am..
I log onto maple, and there i am presented with the channel selection screen for broa, which has been inindated with literally some people.

I think “Great! I’ll go do some Rush Orbis Pq, catch up for my slow lvling of late”. So, i log into ch1. There i am, In Unknown Tower. 8 People, including myself, all spamming “PQ@@@@@@@@” and such. I finally get a party together, strangly enough, they are all Bandits, ‘cept myself (wonders about the legends of return of the bandits) read more

The Little Mage and The Little Thief

Well, one day, long ago, some little ice lightning mage was training, when his freind called him up to invite him to a birthday party at FM.

Hesitantly, Peter went along, and at this small party of freinds, he met a few new people.

One of these new people was Anne. And, this thief, Anne, and Peter became freinds, often doing the Ludi PQ together.

In the next few weeks since thier first meeting, Anne, and Peter became good freinds. Peter had feelings for Anne and it turns out the little thief had feelings for the mage. Then, one warm, pleasent, stary night, Anne said to Peter “I love you”. read more