All posts by iToast

Bad Internet and disconnections

WOO! Short blogging time!

Ok, so today my friend reminded me about MS by telling me he started over in Khaini, so I decided to sorta help him with my perma-noob and warrior. I have crappy internet but I tried to get on anyway and I did… But as soon a I killed a snail it lagged and disconnected me. I kept trying to get on but it didn’t let me so there goes that. Basically I can’t get better internet and play Maple again until the stupid internet people put te cables in and stuff… read more

Woo! Blue WG’s rock!

OK, so I logged into my thief and checked Bill (my friend always sends me stuff) and I found a Blue Work Glove! So I walk around with it for a few minutes trying to get to a good training place and this guy comes and wants to buy my Work Glove. So we open up the trade and he puts up a TON of good stuff (pic 1) I trade, I make sure it actually happened and opened up my inventory and checked (pics 2 & 3) and it did! So I may not have Blue WGs anymore, but I have good stars and level 50 equips! read more

Joined FlyFF

I’m kinda of grounded from MS for some reason, so I decided to try FlyFF. The pic there is of my character. I’m in Aibatt server for those who want to know.

Anyway, FlyFF is really fun, and once I can play MS, I’ll probably play FlyFF more anyway >.>