All posts by iSonicMaster

Why She Kept Her Head Down- Interruption

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening MMO Talers.

It is I, Ray, the Author of the Why She Kept Her Head Down series.

I have an update to make. It appears as if I neglected my story for awhile and I’ve lost my interest to continue with it. I’m sorry, but I must disband/discontinue the series…for now.

I still have the layout of the story and it’s only going to get more suspenseful. I’d appreciate it if you’d give me some input on if I should continue the series or not later on. There’s also a significantly greater number of new MMOers that I’ve never seen around before so I wonder if they’d even be interested since most of the plot characters are those from the older generation of MMO Tales. read more

Why She Kept Her Head Down – Chapt. 6

Wat up ppl? I’m back with another chapter! Yayy! So let’s dive into it!

Diclaimer: Don’t own Guru or the Ninja, Aliyah, Olevize indigolove, ezyan . . . blah blah. You know it.

Chapter 6: More Trouble

After IndigoLove’s little tussle with Gujju, IndigoLove got her very first out of school suspension for the year. Liviadia and Ezyan told Aliyah not to worry, because IndigoLove had been suspended before for beating up a guy that kept bothering Ezyan. IndigoLove always acted like a big sister to the others, even though she was the same age as they were. And Aliyah realized how right her friends were, she did watch out for the girls, like a mother hawk would do. Still, she did feel bad about her getting in trouble for her, this was between her and Gujju, she never meant for anyone else to get involved. She thought if she ignored Gujju, maybe she’d tired of bothering her and back off, but now it was only getting worse. read more

Why She Kept Her Head Down – Chapt. 5

Permission was asked to do anything on here, especially the Aliyah and Guruji part. Just a warning before you read, there IS a “kissy” scene in it, so don’t read it if it bothers you. However, it IS towards the end so you can just skip over it.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Guruji and the gang dammit!

Warning: The Chapters start getting more MATURE from here. I know the little scene isn’t much, but the violence will increase deathly as the chapters go on. But probably not as deadly as the “I am Karla” series. (I like them btw, drunkdaddy)

Chapter 5: Fight!

Over the course of the next couple of weeks, Guruji and Aliyah went on several dates. Guruji had grown very fond of the quiet and sweet girl he knew as Aliyah the loner. Except now she wasn’t so alone anymore, she had several friends now, including Guruji and his friends as well. Sunny and Liviadia hooked up and IndigoLove, the more aggressive girl out of her friends, knocked the f*ck out of Meizai more than a few times already because he was constantly trying to grope her. Fenrir and Ezyan haven’t gotten all that close because he was being, “a cocky b*stard”, as Ezyan so nicely put it. Aliyah loved each and everyone of her new friends for their uniqueness, as well as their crazyness. And crazy they were, as Aliyah remembered the time when Meizai and Sunny jumped up behind the girls and yelled, “BAKA!!”, as loud as they could, scaring several people at nearby tables, except for IndigoLove and Liviadia as they flung back their fists, hitting them square in the nose. read more

Why She Kept Her Head Down – Chapt. 4

MAPLE RELATED BIT: i played maple today for about 20 minutes before i had to log off because i realized that my essay was due. and i found a cromi while i was playing.

Thanks for the support of this new fic! I’m glad everyone likes it!

Prior Chapter: link

Disclaimer: Don’t own Guruji, AliyahRoyal, gujju, or any of the whole gang. read more

Why She Kept Her Head Down – Chapt. 3

Thanks so much for reviews!

Link to prior chapter: link

Chapter 3: Lab Partners

Aliyah just couldn’t believe it. Guruji and Gujju were now officially broken up. After two and a half years together, they were no longer an item. Talk was flying all over the school about them and the mysterious girl that they fought over. Suddenly Aliyah was popular and no one even knew it was her that they were talking so much about, well except for her friends that were the cause of the whole incident in the first place.
‘Did they break up because of me or was it just some on going dispute that no one knew of and it just escalated to that point, with me stuck in the middle?’
She walked into her science class and sat down. She was just a little bit nervous since Guruji was in that very class and sat right next to her. Guruji strolled in without a care in the world, as if nothing had happened. The bell rang starting class, tardy students running in at the last minute.
“Alright class, settle down. Now today I’m going to assign lab partners.” Their teacher said pleasantly as students began to complain. “Now, now. It’s not the end of the world.” The teacher went through assigning everyone to their partner, most students complaining when they learned who their partner was for the rest of the year.
“Guruji, you’re with….”
Aliyah gulped as she felt a bad feeling begin to grow at the pit of her stomach.
Aliyah put her head down as she felt Guruji’s eyes on her. read more

Why She Kept Her Head Down – Chapt. 2

Chapter 2: Making friends (finally!)


Prior Chapterlink

>>>>>>>Okay. Just to let you all know, the story takes place in Orbis and they go to school there. Also, the characters in the story are whatever they are in game, so Aliyah is a mage, Guru a fighter, Indigo her beloved infieri, and so on and so forth. You’ll see more of their “maplestoryness” as the stories go on and the characters fully develop. CHAPTER 2!<<<<<<<<<<<< read more

they call me RAY

hi guys! i’m new to MMO. my name’s Ray and i have some great ideas.

okay, i want to start writing fanfic like many of the great writers on mmo (silverfx, mipsacri, etc.) and i believe i got experience. give me some good names from MMO that you think would be okay to use.

i need:
a guy–?
a girl–?
a jeolous girl–?
and random friends (girls and guys) are great too. read more