All posts by gujju

Whats the Point?

Man, i am so mad. Uberly mad. Super duper uberly mad. SU – well, you get the point.

As many of you know, the amazing thread that soon became an RP is gone. I was gone all day today, so only read parts after page 10, and after i finished my stuff, I come, and i see no thread! I was shocked, and looked on the forums page, and it wasnt there either. At this point, i am hyperventalating (sp?) when I get an IM from Indigolove saying the RP was deleted. read more

Tuckered Out

Hello again guys.

It’s me again! And I am exhausted. This week has been really tiring, my maple and real week.

Lets start with maple. . .I will lose some of you if I start with real life. Well, I was at Omega Sector, doing some of those quests. Big mistake. Those darn aliens. I hate them. How I loathe them! *Evil stare*

I left, and began to train at Ludi, at chronos. I caught 2 hackers there, and on the first one, I go down to see a sin, KS-ing the hacker, who was AFK. I go there and start to laugh. He says to me “Don’t Report” Yeah right! Some silly noobs. The other hacker left as I soon as I got to the channel. read more

My message to Trauma

Well, its seems their is much drama in our little MMOTales community. Over the past weeks, we have seen arguments about hackers, maple bfs/gfs, ..the list goes on…….

Recently, it involves another person, and a new reason to argue: copying work, constant flames, rude pm’s..etc.

I can’t simply sit and watch while a friend is harassed like this. So i say to you Trauma: Please just stop! read more

Computer woes =(

So a while ago, i found out my computer had something called spyware. I wasnt too sure what it was..except that it got annoying at times. It didn’t really do anything i left problems…life was good. But then about a week ago..something else happened…
When i logged on to my dad’s Windows account (We use his b/c it has less crap and runs faster) i saw an add at the bottom of the screen, saying my Windows was not Genuine..I didnt think anything of it. When i went to my friends house, she had the same problem. Then i saw to “get genuine” you need to buy it..I though it just some money making scheme..till my cousin said i need to re-install my computer..
NOO read more

Rant about rants -.-

I have been seeing way too many of these rants recently. All about the same topics..

I get that you need to let off some steam..but realy..we have seen enough to get your point.

When you see many of the same gets annoying reading them…Just like some of you hate love stories..i am starting to hate these rants -.-

Sorry if this has offended anyone..but its my point of view read more

Stupid Racists

Ok, i have meaning to let of steam for a while…here is my chance!

I am so sick of those stupid people who stop and make racist comments about your character…I am an Indian, so i made my character with brown (tan, w.e its called) skin. People see this, and yell out ” stupid n|gger” (that wont go well with captain will it?) It just realy pisses me off that some people are so stupid like that…Like first of all…im not African American…so get your facts straight! Second, thats such a rude thing to say…Where i come from, if you say that kind of crap, you will be slapped across the face…really. read more

Blue Mushrooms

Well i was hunting them for the “Pia and the blue mushroom” quest..and when i got the the forest of blue mushrooms..i didnt see any for 5 minutes…gave me the idea for this screen shot =)

Its not meant to be funny….i just like it is all

Gujju ♥

Missed 2X Experience =(

Today was an etremly crappy day. My dad has a little sports team, and they decided to have a picnic, just a little know, get together, have some fun. It was not was boring…lame…messed….It was…..uh..It was at some provincial park, and htey cool thing was a beach….but it didnt matter…since my dad forget to tell us it was there….so i coudn’t go swimming =( The food was ok..but…man read more

Finally I can Relax

Wow..i finally have time to write a blog =) its been a while since i sat down on the comp for a few hours. The past 2 weeks were super hectic. I had a wedding to go to (cousin’s) and it was lots of work. Days i went to the airport to get family, days i woke up early to go to her house (ceremonial stuff, its a hindu wedding) and the acualy wedding day. I know lots of you are probably like “what does this have to do with MS. Dont worry, i will get to it later -.-
The wedding was fun, the best i have been to so far. The ceremony was quite boring to be honest, but the reception was a blast! An open bar (i dont drink, but all the coke i wanted =]) and dinner and dancing. Desert was amazing. One long table of cakes….so much cake!! i had a piece of every one, and was majorly hyper afterward! A few of my cousins were a bit tipsy, and my brother had a major sugar rush after a dozen cokes, and me and another cousin still high from the cakes, we all went dancing! It was loads of fun. read more