All posts by FlameDemonxX

Maple Legacy

M A P L E’ S L E G A C Y

Chapter 1 : Maple Island

Legacy 1 : Chosen Four.

A long time ago, everyone were jobless. No one had any unique powers, except the island god. The island god was the creater of this island, Maple Island. Evereyone relied on the Island God. In one of the citys, there were these four trouble makers. They were little kids, folling around and stealing food. They were orphans, living in the outside city. There were 3 boys, and 1 girl. For some reason, these kids have some unique skills, but not powers. Rage, is the powerfullest out of the four. Pierce, the only girl has the best accuracy out of the four. Stealth, the quickest out of the four. Spell, the smartest out of the four. Some people rumour, that they are the Four Chosen ones from god. They used their skills for their everyday life. Rage, uses his bare hands to fight people who try to fight them. Pierce, aims with her slingshot and hits people from a far distance. Stealth, snatchs the item quickly before the other people can notice. Spell, uses his intellagence to summons a fake dragon that flinches the foes. They were the cities youngest criminals. read more

One weird day..

On MapleStory, one random day.

I was just training in a zombie map that I found that was empty, and randomly some priest comes and says “cc”.

I said, What? You want corn chips? Buy them yourself. Next thing you know, on the screen I see

“——” has dropped KevdoBandits level of fame” I didnt really care, but I dont see why I got defamed, for saying read more