All posts by Eevee65

A Storie :D

Once a girl Named Buddy was walking to kerning to get the new clothes shes been saving money to get. Then She Stops At Tis Little Girl much younger than her. the litttle girl is crying buddy asks her wats wrong. The girls says my name is april and my daddy just died in a car wreak. then buddy looked arcros the street and sees 2 smashed cars she says “oh im so sorry” then Buddy says to april I’ll take you with me we can live together April says “Ok -snif -snif-” then Buddy just spends the money on food and drinks instead of the new clothes. April says im sorry you had to spend our money on me. Buddy says its ok lets go back to my apartment and have a nap. April says are you sure this is ok buddy says yea ive wanted compay. This was a start of a beautiful friendship. Buddy had a dream about wat happend when she was 6. Now see Buddy was 16 an april was 9. Buddys Paraents Drowned in a lake cuse they fell in buddy was to little to understand. Aprils Mom went missing when she was 7 she said. Buddy had a dream about her parents that night and she cryed when she woke up april said its ok and they went back to bed. MABYE to be continued read more