All posts by Drunkdaddy

Her name was Karla~~ 9

“It’s the world against you Karla, and you know it…”
Karla woked up in cold sweat after hearing this in her mind. Something felt different. She looked at her two arms and realized they were heavily bandaged. She saw that she was wearing new warm clothes (this made her blush)
and she also found out she was at someone’s home. As the fireplace warmed her body, she looked around trying to get a clue of where she was. She spotted an oak table besides her and saw something that stirred her interest. It was blueberry pie.
The door creaked opened and someone came in. Karla jumped in surprise and held out her trusty steely.
The man seemed to be surprised by this as he slowly backed away.
“Ok… don’t hasten things here. I just brought some tea, if you wanted any…” the person said.
“Tea…?” Karla asked. Her voice was raspy.
“Yeah, it’s Jasmine. I’ll put it here, ‘kay? I’m glad your feeling better.” he placed the tea on the table and walked away. “Oh, by the way. My name’s Charlie. Just call me if you need something.” and he shut the door.
Karla was dumbfounded. She was shocked of her own reaction to a stranger. She was about to kill him.
Karla sat down and sipped some tea. It soothed her throat.
“Charlie… what a nice name.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ read more

Her name was Karla~~ 8

“I will-a beat you Mario…” Luigi said all metalically. He did a roundhouse kick to his face.
“Mamma-Mia, it hurts more than mama’s slap!” Mario said weakily. “But I ain’t-a gonna lose to you Luigi…” he continued, “you have no idea how it feels to be-a shorter than your little baby brotha…” Mario wiped tears from his eyes.
“You think-a I got it all, don’t you. I will-a make-a you show some respect-a to your elders!” Mario said as he focused all his rage. Blue flame over came his body from the bottom (Mario is a fighter o_O)
“Could dat be rage!?” Luigi said in shock.
As the blue flames slowly overcame his entire body, it had revealed a shiny new metallic body.
METAL MARIO! read more

Her name was Karla~~ 7

“Yes brother… I am metal Luigi!” Luigi shouted.
“You-a discovered the secret hidden power!?” Mario asked.
“Yes… to defeat you!” Luigi dashed towards Mario. The ultimate brother fight was about to begin!

The sun was shining, the snails were dying and the world was in distress.
“Two GMs today were spotted dead near Lith Harbor…” Charlie turned the TV off. He was worried about Karla, and where she went. She told him that she didn’t want to cause anymore harm. He needed to thank her properly. read more

Her name was Karla~~ 6

Karla looked at the bloody GMs. She didn’t give a damn. Because of her… she hurt Charlie again. She looked over at Charlie who was panting in pain. She took out a piece of cloth and bandaged the wound.

Mario woke up to see Karla nursing Charlie, he ran up to her ready for the fight of his life.
“Ok… you-you hurt Charlie!?!?!” Mario sputtered.
Karla looked up cooly. Her eyes were like a bottomless pit of darkness.
“I remember you. You’re the guy with the big nose. You’re Charlie’s friend.” Karla said.
“Holy canoli, linguini pesto! You-a gonna kill me!?” Mario asked panicky.
“Help me get Charlie to a nearby hospital. I’ll spare you.” read more

Her name was Karla~~ 5

It felt cold. Yes, this pain felt cold. My arm was flopping around when the avenger dissapated. I was losing blood. the world seemed to so blank and cold… cold. I fainted.

“I expected more from an accomplice of the infamous Karla.” the GM grinned evily. “That was almost no fun at all.”
He looked at Karla who was covered in Charlie’s blood. She looked shocked. She was crouching down, her face pail.
The other GM kicked Charlie’s head. read more

Legcay of Hamburger Mcdurgerking (END)

The end of a series, a show, or a movie is always sad. And so, I present to you the final random installment of the “Hamburger Mcdurgerking series”.

“Now’s my chance!” Osama said. As he backed away.
“Waitaminute… Gilmore Girls isn’t on today. Oh no…” he looked above and saw an office chair being thrown at him.
“Owww!” Hamburger said.
“He.. he he he… MWAHAHAHA!!!” Osama cackled as he threw the following at Hamburger: read more

Her name was Karla~~ 4

“Oh no! Luigi!” I said worriedly. “Where is he?”
“Well, if I-a-knew where he-a was, I won’t-a be-a here you know…” Mario said as he looked at an injured Karla. “HOLY CANNOLI CHARLIE IS DAT KARLA!?”
I was embarrassed. “Yeah. I found her injured so I decided to take care of her for the time being. I saved her life, if she lost any more blood, she’d be dead by now.” I said.
“Oh… I thought you were-a doing-a something different with her ya know.” Mario winked at me.
“Mario!” I shouted scournfully.
“But still. You are saving a wanted woman. You might-a be wanted for helping-a her.” Mario said seriously. “Besides, Charlie, you’re the nicest person I’ve ever met. You’re saving the life of a hawt wanted woman. But Charlie… I know-a you don’t remember what she did to you 5 years ago but… try to remember ‘kay? Charlie…?”
My eyes went blank as my head started exploding with pain again. The whole world shook as I held my head with excrutiating pain. I passed out.
Mario looked nervously. “I don’t-a know anythin’ ’bout-a Charlie!” he scaddadled. read more