All posts by d0ntl00katme

*sigh* starting over…

i have to start over cuz i got hacked… >_<
so now i have to do everything all over again, im gonna start off with a page this time!!!
anyone have any builds?
pm me for builds please?

anyhoo, now about my MS day

I finished my ms hiatus and found many odd things…
sigh, so many hackers, i was actually finding about 5 in each channel at, get this, MAPLE ISLAND, i was flabbergasted!!! read more

not ms related, Yankees pitcher died

NEW YORK – A small plane with New York Yankees pitcher Cory Lidle aboard crashed into a 50-story condominium tower Wednesday on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, killing two people and raining flaming debris on sidewalks, authorities said. Yankees’ owner George M. Steinbrenner confirmed Lidle was one of the two dead.

A law enforcement official in Washington, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Lidle was on the plane. And Federal Aviation Administration records showed the single-engine plane was registered to the athlete. A passport belonging to Lidle, an avid pilot who got his flying license after last year’s offseason, was reportedly found on the street below the crash site. read more

good guild names?

i was on briefly yesterday, and i saw all these people with such unoriginal guild names.
a few examples were: msmafia, mslegends, shinobi…* things naruto related. … is for everything after that…
then there were some good ones like: misfits <personal fave name, several names that i cant remember, but they were awesome read more


my new guild!!!
i have left nejisbuddys cuz there were no more active members
we are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
happy wit our new guild
Jamaicanxsin leader
d0ntl00katme yours truly member
magicspoof jr master
watupitzmandy jr master
daniels… forgot member