Here are all of fakefire’s guides/stories according to relevance
The first one isnt really fakefire, its someone else but fakefire jacked it from him 0_0, sorry bout that…
Hirom on 48 hours of MS said: “this story reminds me of how one time i played maplestory for 48 hours straight. my parents got very suspicious when i didnt come out of my room. of course i had put food on my desk so i wouldnt starve. but anyway, my parents came into my room. it was pitch blakc, except for the light of my moniter and maplestory. my parents were like what U S.O.B what R U DOING. i said i was playing maplestory with my online cyber friends who told me maple is the key to success. so i listened. i told my parents they wouldnt b so mad if they jus played themselves. they r like what. wile this is happening, my back was still turned, they couldnt c my face. when they told me to turn around, i turned around. i had drool coming out of my mouth, my eyes were red as hell and i had a big wet spot. and sweat stains. i todl my parents that i tortured myself by not turning on the A/C and having to sweat in the 95 degree room. i had a big wet spot in my pants. my parents asked what that was. i said..idk. so then i went into the bathroom, for the first time in days, and pulled down my pants. a huge chunk of poop jus came right out. and more than half of it was still in my pants.i just threw my pants , with the poop still in them, in the toilet and flushed. it got stuck in the middle and i just walked out smelling like a butt. when i came back into my room, there was this huge stench of old sweat in my room. i didnt care because i was in it for days.. so my parents told me to get a life and some freinds. i said i got a hell lota friends on mapelstory. P.S. IF U GUYS WANA COMMENT, SEND A MAIL TO ME! THX …IM HIROM “
Fakefire on how 2 get womans said: “ ~~~~~~~~~~~HOW 2 GET WOMENS GIDE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dis gide wil tels u how 2 get womans. dis gide is garenteed 2 work n it has helped me get many womens.
a womans mind
1rd u ned 2 no how a womans thinks.and in order 2 think like a womans u ned 2 b a womans. so i recomend u raid ur moms room n steal al her stuf n put dem on.*DONT 4GET MAKEUP VRY IMPORTANT* wen u r don u shuld look lik dis: link read more