All posts by CrisNoob


This is probably gonna be my shortest/last blog.

I know i said i wouldnt make anymore but i guess its ok for this…

I reached lvl 70 today and became a hermit. Whooo?

But also my dad got fed up by me training all the time so he said i cant play maple, like AT ALL. Ill sneak in a couple times but yea. Too bad i guess…

Im sorry for this extremely short blog, MasterCheeze will now flame me to death D: read more

I’m sorry MMOT, I truly am…

Well, most of you have noticed that i havent been submitting many blogs lately. Heck, most of you noticed that i dont comment blogs anymore too.

Well im here to say, that i wont be writing any new blogs soon, this may be my last blog in fact. Its not that i hate you all or anything. Its just im too lazy and i dont really feel like it. I feel so emo all the time i dont even go on basil or the matrix (thats what i call MS). read more

My 3 day weekend

Alright alright. This is my blog (i havent written much in awhile). So you must all press the “I like it” thingamajigar. In MMOTales my new best friend and rival will become…. MasterCheeze. Cheeze ish my friend nao so nu 1 take heem or els. >

I wonder if that thing works 0_0



Yea, friday, i grinded >_< well not the whole time. I was training at FoG and talking to a lot of my friends. Some people ask me how im motivated… im not. The only thing that makes me level is beating cheeze. Yes i must best him in leveling even though he totally owns me in MMOT ='[ Well i started around 20% and ended at 60%. A lot of my pics are deleted because i re-installed MS cause i did something stupid. (dont ask or else i will kill myself). read more

Directed to my Guild Reckless

Im probably going to leave the guild, and maybe even maple. I saw something horrible today, my best friend shunned me down in my time of need, my dad got pissed for doing something for my friend late at night for certain reasons. Marissa, who i trusted the most, let me down, real bad, i dont think she even knows how hard she pushed me away, im scarred emotionally. read more

Well my weekend 0_0

Last weekend turned out pretty good i guess

You all remember those jerks? Well the bf was on the gf’s acct and when i was training again at STDs he apologized and we made up =3

On friday alone i got… to 60%!@!@!@@!@!!@!@ (i started at 50%)

On saturday sadly i couldnt play. I basically cleaned, did a project, partied, then came home and slept. read more

Fakefire’s Guides (all)

Here are all of fakefire’s guides/stories according to relevance

The first one isnt really fakefire, its someone else but fakefire jacked it from him 0_0, sorry bout that…

Hirom on 48 hours of MS said: “this story reminds me of how one time i played maplestory for 48 hours straight. my parents got very suspicious when i didnt come out of my room. of course i had put food on my desk so i wouldnt starve. but anyway, my parents came into my room. it was pitch blakc, except for the light of my moniter and maplestory. my parents were like what U S.O.B what R U DOING. i said i was playing maplestory with my online cyber friends who told me maple is the key to success. so i listened. i told my parents they wouldnt b so mad if they jus played themselves. they r like what. wile this is happening, my back was still turned, they couldnt c my face. when they told me to turn around, i turned around. i had drool coming out of my mouth, my eyes were red as hell and i had a big wet spot. and sweat stains. i todl my parents that i tortured myself by not turning on the A/C and having to sweat in the 95 degree room. i had a big wet spot in my pants. my parents asked what that was. i said..idk. so then i went into the bathroom, for the first time in days, and pulled down my pants. a huge chunk of poop jus came right out. and more than half of it was still in my pants.i just threw my pants , with the poop still in them, in the toilet and flushed. it got stuck in the middle and i just walked out smelling like a butt. when i came back into my room, there was this huge stench of old sweat in my room. i didnt care because i was in it for days.. so my parents told me to get a life and some freinds. i said i got a hell lota friends on mapelstory. P.S. IF U GUYS WANA COMMENT, SEND A MAIL TO ME! THX …IM HIROM “Fakefire on how 2 get womans said: “ ~~~~~~~~~~~HOW 2 GET WOMENS GIDE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ introdumoduction dis gide wil tels u how 2 get womans. dis gide is garenteed 2 work n it has helped me get many womens.

a womans mind
1rd u ned 2 no how a womans thinks.and in order 2 think like a womans u ned 2 b a womans. so i recomend u raid ur moms room n steal al her stuf n put dem on.*DONT 4GET MAKEUP VRY IMPORTANT* wen u r don u shuld look lik dis: link read more

Fakefire’s Army

This was made by me to honor fakefire!!

Well fakefire said he will start and armageddon against evil monsters on halloween. So its our job as the basil community to help fakefire with this great battle

Here is fakefire’s sign up sheet Enter the army >:]

This is the original story…

Fakefire on “beware of octobur 31nd” said: “ dis is a vry evil day. last year on dis vry day terible things happend. i was sleep over at my grandmas hous wen i herd ppl nock on da door. i opend da door den i saw DRACULA AND FRANKENSTIEN! dey held out bags and SCREAMED TRICK OR TREAT OMG I HAD 2 PROTECT MY GRANDMA. i grabbed draculas arm and did a duble german suplex on him. dis is wen frankenstien tried 2 ran away. o no he dosnt. i got a big tree branch and smashed it on his hed. i drag dem 2 my basement wen i herd another nock on my door. dis time i saw spiderman and FREDDY KRUGER. spiderman was colloborating w/ freddy kruger….. dey both screamed trick or treat @ me. fakefire den sprayed mace on dem and dragged dem to my basement. i filled da basement w/ gasolene and set it on fire. i herd mor nocks and ran 2 da door. it was a mummy and a pirate. dis was getting out of hand. i ran outside AND DA STREETS WERE FILLED WITH MONSTERS. i had 2 leaving my grandma behind and run away 2 my parents hous. my grandma must hav been bit bye a vampir becaus da news said she set 4 children on fire. so guys beware of dis day. i will b starting an armageddon on monsters dis day and i hope u will all join me”

The Maple Community LOL

Well today was really funny. I was at STDs and i was kinda messing around with people trying to be noob. Well i usually apologize to people right after and explain what i was doing. I didnt get any real training done cause it was kinda funny. Then i met this particular couple.

They caught on to what i was doing and we all had a good laugh about it. Then the girl thought i was hindu because i pretended to talk funny. Well im not hindu, in fact im filipino and christian. The thing that amused me was that she never dropped that subject of hindus. read more


Well this is random and i decided to make a blog late at night to further delay my washing of dishes >:]

Well ive been playing stick arena lately and i noticed all the noobs that die so easily (including me). How come you dont regenerate life when you stand still? How come hackers hack if they dont really benefit off of it (hackers on other games can sell the acct for real life money. read more

Pretty good day

You all know how i lost my 8 att wg right? Well the rest of the week turned out pretty good right after. I was LMPQing for about 2 hours and i noticed i gained 54% and i was like whoa 0.0

Then I sold my only pair of steelys and i had 10 mill left over so i bought an 8 att, 3 luk, and 1 dex gold pow. I had no more money left so i was pretty sad =[ but i NPCed every of the USE items from LMPQ and i gained 1 mill >_> read more