strange title……….. hm….. i wonder why i used that title…… ive never heard it before…….. hm……. FalsePromise…..ah! my guilds name! yeps tahst right, but not what im looking for………………..
*please wait while Ciara puts her self together*
hm………………um………GOGOGO…. Power Rangers? no………
All posts by cIARAkOTH
The Legend of Wizet:Prolouge
Before you read this, I want to inroduce you to some one look at the first picture. That is our hero *dammit im a girl so im a herion you moron!*Ok, ok, ok……… she is our heroin, she will soon begin a journey through Victoria Island to a random place that i havent decided yet. But tahts the good part of being an author, you are the god of your story, everthing happens as you have planned. Now lets begin.(and i changed the other me’s text from being in *’s to be in -‘s)