All posts by benZON

Maple Story Wars

Maple War Day 1: Its now the end of maple. The monsters took over whats left of the whole maple global. All we have is a town called lith harbour. And the new recruits cant even hold a descent weopen.Minutes before we leave to defend lith i pray for a victory and life.
*Battle Crys*

Army:”wow really?”
Cammander:” HAHHA of course not”

The truth Behind Mr. Mohammed

You can store mesos and items in his storage box aka his camel. Hes not from anywhere we know of. Is he a criminal ?How did Mr. Mohammed get here? Why did Mr. Mohammed come here? Why is his Camel a storage?! And where did he come from?

Mr. Mohammed rescently came to El nath because he is a run away fugitive. Everyone is looking for the terrorist Mr. Mohammed aka “bomber man”. Mr. Mohammed didnt have the cloth rapped all over his face before. He was a tan skinned person with no hair at all. But he had a long beard. And different clothing. He wore all black before he went to el nath. Mr. Mohammed recently bombed a boat back to Orbis. His plans were destroyed when 2 crimson balrogs came on deck and killed all the passengers before he did. He was mad and threw bombs at the balrogs instead since the balrogs killed everyone. His camel is used to carry bombs and weopens because the camel storage is the black market of Maplestory. New weopens to drugs such as cocain and steroids that make your HP bar 1k higher are in that storage. The GM had a tip to go to Orbis to find the terrorist. Mr. Mohammed fled to el nath with his camel as fast as he can. He found out that El nath never had bomb blowing up or bad crime committed. He liked the place and made a storage for people to store.He then rapped cloth around his face to let noone see him and because it was really cold.He also lost all the black clothing and put warm clothe on. But you cant look into the storage because Mr. Mohammed takes the item from you and puts it into the storage. Inside the storage is hundred of bomb. Nukes, claymore, grenades, and even Sentinals that blow up are in there. Rumor has it hes planning to blow up the place that every mapler goes to become stronger and get a 3rd job advancement. He plans to strike while the 3 masters who promote you to 3rd job are still inside. So he can burn them alive along with everything else. read more

The truth Behind Ericsson and his cat

Ericsson is a roman. He may look like a huge,buff, and scary guy.But he is not. He has feelings.Feelings to his cat mostly. He is a wuss to some people and some to not. Who Ericsson? Whats up with his cat? Whats up with the cat on his head? And why does his face turn red?

Ericsson is a wuss. A big strong wuss who would drop anyone for telling him he is a wuss. His cat is his best friend and always was. The history of Ericsson is that when he was a child he lost his family in a fire at his house. When he was walking around the ashes of his house he found this kitty. The kitty was just born because his family house had a big yard. The cats who lived the the yard died in the fire but the kitten. So Ericsson kept and took good care of the kitty. Ericsson needed a job so he went to Corporal Wilson for a job. Since Wilson lost contact with his platoon he dicided to stay. When Ericsson wanted a job he was hired since he had cash on him, he gave Ericsson a job. His kitty was by his side always. The job Wilson gave Ericsson was carrying boxes of pet food to his selling spot. Ericsson worked for Wilson all his life. His kitty was still always with him or on top of the boxes he was carrying. The boxes were really heavy and after all those years of carrying them, Ericsson got strong and buff. But Ericsson still had a heart pure kindness and fun. Now his kitty is now a cat. Ericsson is still working for Wilson. Wilson pet store was the ebst and only place to sell food in Orbis. So Ericsson had alot of money to spend. But he spends his money on the homeless and pet adoption. Ericsson cat is now on his enourmouse head because the cat is unusually old for a cat. So the cat stays on his head because it can barely walk. Ericsson face turns red because that means the cat pee on his head. read more

The truth Behind Shumi and her money

She asks you for help because she “accidently” lost or dropped her money in the kerning subway station.She is Shumi. Since Mr.Pickall is the head of the Triad gang, why is he so close to Shumi? How did Shumi lose her money?
When did she lose it?And why did she lose it?Where did she get the money she lost?

Shumi history is was involved in gangs alot. The reason she had money because she asked Mr.Pickall for some. She needed the money because she was way back behind her taxes and payments. But Mr.Pickall told her these words of fear ” Heres your money, I better get something worth that money or i will make your life a living HELL!”. After she paid her taxes and payments, life was better for her.Until one of Mr.Pickall gangsters bumped into her. He told Mr.Pickall because he forgot about the payment. And now Shumi is making money and ahead of her payments,something had to be done. So Mr.Pickall told the gangster to mug her and rob her. The first mug was a success, but the gangster dropped her money on accident because someone was there. The second mug was another success, but he tripped, did a front flip,and landed on a jr necki. Mr.Pickall had it, he killed the gangster who failed so many times to get the money and hired someone else. This guy was the real deal. He succesfully robbed 20 people in 1 day. So the guy was hired. The guy mugged Shumi, then ran. Unfortunately he ran the wrong direction and got killed by a wraith. read more

Request to uncover the truth of NPC

I have been getting some request to uncover some truth behind NPC. I would like to say thanks to the readers and I am taking request. There are alot of NPC so if you want request you need to wait, yeeah i know it suck.3 blogs a day what can you do?

Ok im not going to do Olaf there almost nothing to uncover but he a know it all person. >:O

The truth Behind Maya and her sickness

She asks for help for a mere headache? And she calls it sickness HA!.She is Maya.How did she get her sickness?Where did she get it?Who is she?What is the medicine?

Well I found out how she got it.If you done her quest and press Q.It will say she gave you a brown bamboo hat.You said when you put the hat on,you heard insects in the bamboo hat.Well theres her sickness.In real life she could die.The bug must have crawled into her ear and lodged itself to her brain.Which can cause sickness and death.But its a game so just a headache.Maya must have worked on the field on a bright sunny day.Since it was hot,she put her bamboo hat on. A insect must have crawled into her hat when she took the hat off to get a drink.Maya is a field worker.Picks crops and sells to the market.But one day she didnt.And stopped picking to ask people to find her a weird medicine.The medicine was made of octo legs, squishy liquids,undead charms, leafs, and 1 arcons blood.Her sickness must have been bad. The key ingridient was the Arcons blood.Maya could have just got the arcons blood because the blood was really the cure to every sickness but AID/HIV.So the people who did the quest worked hard for nothing. read more

The truth behind Kerning City Mr.Pickall

Part II

Mr.pickall may look like a reguler asian person on the streets of kerning.But He isn’t.He is the head of the triad gang in kerning.He order hits on people.And you know why icarus wanted to fly?! He owed Mr.Pickall money!

That is Mr.Pickall.Asian,smokes,and love picking crap.Why is he there?What does he do?WHY IS HE ASIAN?! jk..Dont you see a relation ship between Mr.Pickall and Mr.Hong the storage? Dont they seem like brothers? read more