Well, I was grinding my way to level 23 at the 1st cave left of Sleepy Wood. Some level 25 warrior was KSing me and picking up any items I was too busy to take. Well, we partied, and it was fun (but quiet!) for about 15 minutes. But then he went AFK on a ladder, and I kicked him to he wouldn’t leach. When he came back, we partied again. He must have had bad stats, because he was only fighting Horny Shrooms, leaving the zombies to me. I was at the 2nd “stair” down, fighting 13 zombies and 5 horny shrooms, when a zombie dropped an axe. I was too busy to take it, and was still fighting, when my “Ally” was knocked of the cliff above me by a horny shroom. He saw the axe and ran for it. He picked it up, tried to run, and died. When he returned after a stay at the sauna, I asked for the axe back, since i was low on money and had only a few orange pots. At first, he pretended not to know what the heck I was talking about, but eventualy, he said that since HE killed the shroom, HE deserved it. I told him that he was being stupid, so he defamed me. I kicked him from the party and CCed, and never saw that little noob again.
All posts by Babale
Here Comes the Sun
I quit MS for a LONG, LONG, LONG, LONG(I am attempting SilverFX’s strategy of brainwashing people by repeating words, in her case, “link" LONG time. But I’m back! When I last left my warrior, he was level 22, and deep in the Sleepywood dungeon. (I was training on yellow curseeyes. Amazingly, they are easier for me to kill then blue mushrooms! ) And, well, when I left, I was tired of the darkness. And after 5 hours in Sleepywood, Berra, Ch 7, I was tired again. So I left, and when I FINALLY came up in Henesys, I got the Baetle’s song stuck in my head.
So, I just joined, and I am following only 2 bloggers right now: SilverFX and Tninja. You guys rock! Ok, I’ll leave before anyone gets angry and starts a manhunt after me! see ya!