
I’m gone for what… 5 days and my guild seems to fall apart completely.
Not ONE of them seems to want to exhibit that kind of nerve when I’m around. It’s depressing.
It’s disgusting.

Before we disconnected the internet to move our stuff to my new house, I went on Maple one last time. Everything seemed fine despite the tension between certain people (maple husband and that guy that I’m insanely in love with in REAL LIFE).
Kiss said that he’d quit even though he said over and over that it’s just a game to him and real life is so important to him.
Yet, he could not refrain from fighting with Silk (rl bf/fiance). He logged out saying he’d quit before I could tell him not to quit for anyone but himself. But, whatever.

Before I left, the guild was pretty much welcoming and hospitable to my boy. As soon as I am unable to get on however the following occurs (summary of what kitty told me):

Out of nowhere gr33nday tells Mark to delete her sister from buddy. Mark, being to pervy gentle fool he is refuses to saying that it would be unfair to her sister if he deletes her out of nowhere. Gr33n then accuses her “bf” (I think she abuses him) Mark of liking her sister more than he likes her. He decides to quit my guild (which I forbid him from doing because he’s one of my favorite people on maple and if he leaves again so help me god I will destroy him). So that’s the first person that gr33n made quit that day.

Then Kiss and fire were on and my boy decided to go on. Kiss starts in on Silk, Silk doesn’t want to deal with him so he tells Kiss to shut up. Arguement ensues. Fire decides to put his two cents in and even though he says he’s my best friend he doesn’t seem to respect me enough to defend my fiance. But then out of NO WHERE YET AGAIN, gr33n decides that for some reason she belongs in this argument, too. So now it’s the jealous Unkissed, the clueless Gr33n, and the god if I know what he’s thinking fire all against my fiance. Fire leaves just like he promised he never would. Then
Silk leaves because there’s no reason for why he had to put up with people ganging up on him.
Did I mention that the whole time gr33n was pmsing at my silky that she had no idea who he was to me. That she, for some reason, thought she had the authority to come down on who ever she pleased?

Days later, I was still madder than mad (I was on the phone with my bf wile this was happening). Kitty got MSN and I talked with her and found out all of the above and then some. Apparently, gr33n and Unkissed were plotting to break up me and my REAL LIFE significant other. They wanted Kitty’s help but kitty has been the most loyal person to me thus far in the entire lifespan of my guild. Well, kitty tells me about this and you should easily be able to see how disgusted I am.
First off, my relationship with this guy isn’t Maple-wise. He’s not my Maple boyfriend, he’s not my Maple-hubby, he’s not my MMO life partner.
They have WAY overstepped their boundaries this time around and I’m very confused as to how they can pull off breaking me up with him when he could just hop on a bus or two and make it better.
Basically, they more or less tried to ruin my real life.
Isn’t that funny? Wow.

I’ve decided to fix my guild. I don’t think it’s worth it to disband.
I’ve decided to only let a few people stay and if anyone else wanted to stay but got kicked, then they can take it up with me. MMOT people are all definately staying.

I can’t stay on too long, I’m still leeching internet from neighbors.

11 thoughts on “Boundaries.”

  1. God, some people are so effing overjealous and stupid. I seriously want every last one of them to die. Let God sort it out because I’m tired of the good people in mankind getting pushed around by viruses like these and it makes me sick at my ownself for being a filthy human. I’d rather much be a brainless monkey. That’s right step above them. It prove that you’re a REAL HUMAN.


  2. FTW Blue~ Above the Influence~
    But of course, above the influence is hard to use as a reason since it goes both ways, and blah blah blah brain things!
    People are so cruel to others, you wonder sometimes if they are really people at all. Then again, you don’t have to go through with all the thinking and just take an AK-47 or nukes and bomb the people that hate on you =) That’s what I do =D Or something near that. . +.+. .
    Actually, when I’m irritated, I wait for a while to understand them, and if they truly hate on me, I hint that I don’t want them to talk to me, and I pretty much just tolerate as much as I can.

  3. Hell yeah, internet leeching is hardcore.

    Though it gets you arrested for it here. -__-

    Good day to you, have fun building up your guild! =D

  4. Um I never did anything to them. I prettty much didn’t even let them in on my personal business, they forced their way in.

    So, it’s pretty much out of nowhere that they (thinking they’d hurt my bf) tried to hurt me.

    It’s just sick.

  5. Expell the stupid kiddos who’re trying to ruin you, your fiance, and your guild. After all, it’s your guild, and you can do with it what you want. D; Sorry to hear about it, and hopefully when your internet is more stable [and unleeched from your neighbours], you’ll be around more often and things can go back to normal.

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