All posts by 666kid

Blog Poll

Well, I just created an MMO acc and all my friends say im good writers, so im asking what kind of Genre ppl like best.

Please vote on one.




Just blogs abut a day in maple


All around.

(sorry that there isnt “love/romance” but i cant write those very well…)

Please say you like this blog so it can get on the front page and more ppl can vote.
thanks read more

Pit Of DEATH-Lith harbor

My first blog!

This happened a while ago (one whole lvl for me is a long time,sadly -_-). Mty friend Jaysbabygirl and I were going around Victoria Island summoning. I had 3 robo sacks. In henesys only 2 ppl died b4 my precious creations were killed =( At kerning a high lvl priest killed them all w/ one hit of shining ray so that was cool to watch. THEN we got lucky at Lith. Our friend’s sp3llb0y and Phillipo (now lvl 8x congratz philipo if u have an MMOid and r reading this) joined us, along w/ some of Jaysbabygirl’s guildmates. I summoned my last sack of robos outside of Lith, and then phillipo sumoned ALIENS! Over 20 ppl died their, but they took it nicely and laughed. We lured some by saying we we’re gonna train them but then they jumped into the pit and died. Then we killed all our summons when we were done. AND some1 called us a hacker if u look in the chat of pic #3. After that we partied at henesys using the potion glitch to climb the rope xD. read more