[LordIsaac Comic #17]

Greetings, readers of MMOTales! Today, you are presented with one of my most accidental comics – Comic #17! It was SUPPOSED to be an adventure comic, but it accidentally turned from a tragedy into a comedy. Don’t you hate it when that happens (especially if it’s from comedy to tragedy)? Anyways, yeah, since it was accidentally turned humourous, it probably isn’t one of my best. (Perhaps even one of my worst, next to the mudkip joke.) Also, from now on, my Mini-Comics will not have any backgrounds! Hah, I still get to win, Ganzicus! (Not entirely though.) Also, I will try to format and base my punchlines/jokes the same way as I did with my single-digit comics, which many of you seem to like very much. Mini-Comic #3 has already been completed.

LordIsaac Comic #17


15 thoughts on “[LordIsaac Comic #17]”

  1. Didn’t you do so in my previous comics? Something like “realises that it’s only a bunch of computer pixels and hangs self” Lemme find that quote,

    “I like the purty, purty, la-

    pixelated beach. >.>”

    Ok, maybe not.

  2. She is the most purtiest pixely woman I have eva seen. With the exception of Owl, which is where that quote actually came from. She’s more purtiful.


    -sees real woman walk by-

    will nab that!

    Umph umph!

  3. I think Froggy should buy a Barbie doll.

    Since my name is Ken, I can get free free McLovin’ burgers from Barbie

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