
So I was suspended yesterday… more on that later.
Thank you for all the information on classes.
Last time I blogged I was torn between bandit and fighter.

The official decision is bandit. If you want to get very specific, a fandit.
I think it would be an interesting challenge… and I have the money to fund it, so why not?
The guide that Eon posted to me last time was a great source. I definitely recommend it for anybody needing information on how to make an irregular bandit.

For anybody how was wondering how I came to this decision:
~ I do have a fighter in training, which I should just resume rather than starting from scratch
~ It would be a shame to give up on bandits, just because my last one had messed up stats
~ I have enough self-funding to make a fandit, and the screenshots that I saw make them look awesome

So, I guess the next step is to actually make the character. Maybe during my break between classes (I have about 3 hours off). I should also have plenty of time later tonight when I get home because for once I’ll be home at a normal time, with relatively little in terms of homework.

The character will be made on Bellocan (that’s the only server I have money on).
I reserved a name ‘AshlikeSnow’ but I might change my mind once I actually start playing. I’ll let you know the official name after I make it.

As for the screenies from last blog.
Although I didn’t receive any warnings about how big they were after I saved them as .gif, I’m guessing that something might have gone wrong there as the website timed out and caused a double posting of the blog. The result was immediate suspension. That explains why I didn’t get around to commenting back to the comments until this morning. I ended up sending an email because I was sort of frustrated from school and then bam… suspension. I pulled out all my best English for this email which basically rudely went through all of the rules to prove that I didn’t break them. Afterwards I went on to say something along the lines of “You have poor user service”.

I was out of line, I know. But I was frustrated and being suspended over something that I had no control over is equally frustrating. If any MMO admins are watching, here is an official apology. I’m sorry for the rude email.

Hmm… since I’m sitting here wasting time in class… maybe its time to turn on BannedStory and figure out my NX.


9 thoughts on “-Decided-”

  1. ipod123432 said: “Hurray for dits (lvl 65 dit here). But why a fandit? Once you get to 80, luk dits might start outdamaging you (seriously, lvl 80 DT vs. lvl 65 fan. More DTs too, so do the math). If you don’t even get to level 65, it isn’t really worth it. But it’s your decision. Maybe start up a str dit? Dunno.”

    DT requires 120 dex (I think)
    Fan requires 35 str
    That’s like 85 extra luk?

  2. Hurray for dits (lvl 65 dit here). But why a fandit? Once you get to 80, luk dits might start outdamaging you (seriously, lvl 80 DT vs. lvl 65 fan. More DTs too, so do the math). If you don’t even get to level 65, it isn’t really worth it. But it’s your decision. Maybe start up a str dit? Dunno.

  3. You emailed who? O_O

    I didn’t think captain was actively suspending people, and Mip would’ave been more understanding, imo. >>; Maybe a mod (WE HAVE ANOTHER MOD AROUND HERE?!) tried to delete your double blog, which automatically suspends you.

    But it does sound strange that you’d get suspended like that so randomly. o_o The few times I got suspended was due to accidental usage of ‘cuss’ words in comments and, on another occasion, a buggy curse filter.

    Anyhow, welcome back.

  4. Thank you very much Silver. I just sent an email through the ‘Contact Us’ page, so I’m not sure who it went to. I must admit, it was pretty random. Site crashes, I get back on and delete the double post. In that time I was suspended. I’m pretty sure that a mod didn’t try to delete my post since I came back and it was still there, so I deleted it myself and then got suspended.

    As for the other comment, are a fandit and str dit not the same thing? They both require str after all, so I thought they were the same thing.

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