Something I’ve Never Understood

What’s up with the rivalry between Sins and Archers? I just don’t get it. I’ve seen far too many Archer help topics devolve into
“s1nz r beter!”
“no, arch3rs RWAK! lololol”

Maybe I just don’t have the mentality of most of the other players in this game. What does it matter which, if either, class is better? That’s like saying “my keyboard’s better than yours!” It’s not important.

Now, I’ve played both classes, even if only briefly for one. They both seem pretty equal in the “rock factor”. Nurie (my silly little sin), was really fun to play at lower levels because she could absolutely shred things and leveled amazingly fast. Then again, I also had her using stars borrowed from a very good friend. Nerrissia (my crossbow woman) took forever to hit level 30. I’ll admit, she wasn’t exactly fun at the low levels, but now that she’s higher, I love it. I have not played a Sin higher than 30 before, though, so I can’t really judge what they’re like at higher levels.

Damage-wise, I guess they both equal out as well. With the right stars at lower levels, sins tear up everything in sight, while archers need to stay back and occasionally run like sissy little girls (I’ve done that many times; yay!). However, once the archers (or, rather, crossbowmen; I haven’t played a hunter) get to 40 or so, they start doing a lot of damage. Plus, they’re weapons are much easier to find than the higher level sin weapons.

Now, some of you reading this might remember the KS war I took part in a while back. You know, the one where it ended up as archers vs. sins? Maybe it was just because my weapons was scrolled pretty well (and that wouldn’t surprise me, because claw scrolls are freakin’ expensive), but I was routinely doing more damage than normal sins of equal level. However, I had my rear end handed to me by a couple low- and no-Dex sins.

Alright, so this was incredibly unorganized, and I’m sure the grammar was awful. I still don’t understand why people can’t just agree that neither class is better than the other. Besides, it’s only a game, yeah? Just go about your business and don’t worry what others think. Yay for self-righteous banter!

2 thoughts on “Something I’ve Never Understood”

  1. It’s not only Archers and Sins. Many classes have arguements.
    Tis but the way of Maple.


  2. pirkid said: “It’s not only Archers and Sins. Many classes have arguements.
    Tis but the way of Maple.


    True, Many people in maple make quarrels about classes =_=
    We all have different opinions about things.

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