Quick question to you Maplers

Have any of you found a Tube other than the level 0 tube found from Bubblings? Al and I were hunting Lorangs and Torties today, and we got to thinking. Neither of us have seen anyone with a different colored tube. So, has anyone had any luck?

Edit: This is uncharacteristically short. I hate it. -_-

Edit2: Someone likes this blog? Wow . . . o_O
Thanks, I think.

4 thoughts on “Quick question to you Maplers”

  1. Sorry to bother you, but do you happen to have a screenshot of it in your inventory? It’s alright if you don’t, but Al couldn’t even find a different colored tube in the Free Markey.

  2. One the surfboards are level 40 and lower tubes are being dropped his year, or for now, at a much LOWER rate.

  3. i saw a tube drop for lorangs- black then teh guy logged off so i didn’t get screeny -_-

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