A random hodge-podge of topics

Yes, exactly as the title states. Since I’m so awesome and rawk so hard (ehehehe!), I’ve decided to just submit monster blogs instead of several smaller ones. Those of you with short attention spans, those who can’t read more than three sentences without becoming possessed by a demon, and those with no wish to read long blogs should stop reading right now. You more than likely won’t like this, and I don’t want to hear you gripe about “long, book-report essays” that aren’t really long, book-report essays. Although, I guess you can look at the pictures. I am in no way responsible for whether you understand them or not, however.

Alright, so I said in my last blog (I’d get you a link, but I don’t feel like doing that now. Maybe later tonight when everyone else is asleep and I’m still well into my all-nighter) about how three people in my guild hit 70. Well, the next couple days were spent seeing exactly just what we could do. Simply put, fun times were had. Unfortunately, I have no pictures. Bad Arc, bad!

Moon put his first point into Strafe. Let’s just say, he’s had a LOT of fun with that. He’ll run around giggling like a silly school girl strafing things left and right. I wish I could get a recording of him, because it’s really quite hilarious. It’s no stronger than DS right now, but I believe he’s going to max that first. He’s going to be one of the main damage dealers of our group soon. Also, Moon bought a penguin yesterday. It’s so cute when it doesn’t follow commands! The best face is the equivalent of F6. Even though it’s only a one-inch pixel character, I want to hug it every time I see it.

Ajema made Meso Explosion his first 3rd job skill. He and Ara spent the next few days just seeing how much it took to kill enemies. They took out some pretty big meanies, from what I heard. I think the strongest was some type of Viking. Unfortunately, he’s also died several times in the process. He’s currently trying to level up so he can get Meso Guard and start beating Gobies silly. He’ll end up being the other main damage dealer once he gets some levels, probably. We actually spent a while trying to find good places to train, because none of us wanted to go back to Zombies. Unfortunately, we figured out that the dumb undead still give the best experience.

I know I’m repeating myself here (I pretty much said most of the stuff in the previous two paragraphs in my last blog), but I put my first point into Ice Shot. The brood can vouch for me here when I say that the only words I could say for a while were “I <3 Ice Shot”. If I could giggle like Moon does, you can bet I’d being doing that every time I used it. Also, I managed to scroll my Jaeger really well. I finally took a screen shot of it (obviously the first screen shot). *huggles it*

When the new GMS patch came out, ClanSpagoose (well, the higher leveled ones) decided to take a break from training and just have some crazy, no-purpose fun. Once again, many fun times were had.

Ara and I were the first to really explore. We grabbed a bunch of squishy liquids and tree branches for the guild and ourselves, and visited Happyville (however, I shall call it the Snowy Village, because Happyville sounds dumb). We completed the Torr’s Horn quest (I got a nose of the first try! Ara only got a star, though =), and then wandered around to see what else the small stretch of map had to offer. We were curious about the present quest, and Ara said she had bought a bunch of ornaments so we could decorate a clan tree. It sounded fun, but I held off from buying ornaments until more of my guildmates were on (needed some input, y’know).

About that time, Riteye signed on. He came and joined us for a bit, and then we all decided to check out Amoria. Thankfully it had already cleared out a bit by the time we got there. From the sounds of it, the silly place was quite busy earlier in the day, and heaven knows my school connection is tempermental. We wandered around a bit more, checking out the shops (dresses are 100K!? *le gasp*), and we found the ring NPC. I talked to him, but apparently he doesn’t like the ladies. :'( What’s wrong with a chick wanting to make the first move, eh? EH!? >_>

Anyway, the rest of the brood (the brood being Ajema, Araneu, MoonTwister, Riteye, and myself) had signed on by now, and we all kinda split up to do our own things. Riteye wandered off by himself, I don’t remember what Moonie did, and Ajema went with Ara and I to check out the Snowy Village again. We figured we’d try to finish some quests and get maybe some quick experience (pffft…). Thus, we ventured forth to Dark Axe Stumps and so forth to find the fabled Alter Pieces needed to appease Hannah. We found enough to turn it in once, so they volunteered me. When I saw the reward (the godly Gelt Chocolates), my jaw almost literally hit the desk. I voiced over Ventrilo “Um, guys? This reward is freakin’ AMAZING.” I read off the stats, and I could have sworn I heard both Ara’s and Ajema’s jaws hit their desks too.

After, I minimized the window for some reason (I honestly don’t remember; I think I wanted to chat in the Hidden Street chat. Those folks are crazy). I left it that way for a while (15, 20 minutes perhaps), and when I maximized it, there was a strange blue box on my screen. It proclaimed in its awful font “Riteye has proposed to you.” What the crap? I hit “Yes” for kicks and giggles, after exclaiming “What are you doing, Rit?” over Vent. He told me that he got some experience for doing the ring quest, and since he didn’t just want it sitting in his inventory, didn’t want to throw it out, and didn’t want to propose to some random chick he met, he decided he’d have some fun with the ladies of the guild. He also said that he didn’t think Ara would approve very much of him proposing to her (that’s an inside joke that I am not at liberty to share =p), and that left only me and my mule. So, now I’m running around with an engagement ring that will probably never be used because I’m sure not spending $20+ on a “wedding”, and Rit said he wasn’t going to unless he felt rich one day. It is rather pretty, though (see second screen shot). On a side note, the cash shop wedding dresses are BUTT UGLY, and it’s funny that they have to remind you who you’re engaged to. =p

Later, Ara and I spent over an hour at Horned Mushrooms trying to get the accursed Sabbath Candles to drop. Needless to say, we were both quite flustered after that. So, we decided to get everyone together and go decorate some trees. As said before, fun times were once again had by all. I provided the letters while the others made the tree look all spiffy and pretty. We figured this would also be a good time to get some brook guildshots, as we hadn’t taken any before. We took some serious ones, some funny ones, and even got a shot of all of us with our pets (screen shots 3-5). That was probably the most fun I’d had in the past few days, because we were just all goofing and having fun (which normally doesn’t happen, unfortunately).

Alas, I must bring this to a close. Kudos to those who made it through the entire thing. Once again, I don’t give refunds on time because I have not mastered the art of time travel, so if you think it was a waste of time, don’t complain to me. =) I may or may not write more like these – depends on how people respond to it.

Anyway, the crazy Sniper is signing out!

4 thoughts on “A random hodge-podge of topics”

  1. ^^ That was funny. And I’ll be as mad as you with your Ice Shot and your friend with that Strafe when I get my Strafe too. Ph34r the sexeh archers. ^^

  2. Sounds like you had some fun. I would love to see a screenshot of your friend doing strafe.

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