Epesode 3 of the mystery evil

The next part of the story

As the group walk towards Cheeze’s base they scanned the surrounding streets for anyone keeping track of them. They walked past the HQ and walked down the street a little way, and then quickly darted down an ally.

When they where sure they where not being followed they clambered up onto the roof, all accept the archer who kept on falling off. Eventually Cheeze finished wetting himself with laughter and teleported down to fetch the archer.

They crept across the rooftops and jumped from roof to roof accept archer who had to get carried by nezz after falling off the roof twice. As they approached Cheeze felt something was wrong.

“Yow guys something isn’t right here. I think the base might be compromised.” Whispered Cheeze. “Then lets run” squeaked archer whilst he shivered in the nights air. “We cant I need to get my staff so that I have more power to destroy the enemy”.

They started to formulate a plan “ok nezz you stand on the class roof and get ready to smash through. Silver and archer take a window on each side at each end so you can cover everywhere. Onion I need you to get ready to put a wall of ice in front of me to protect me while I go in the front. Anni I need you to look after archer because other wise he is going to get killed”

When they had taken up their positions Cheeze opened the front door and walked in saying “Guys im back what’s up” as he said this black figures ran out of the shadows.
Warriors and bandits at the front followed by mages followed by archers and sins.

“O dam I wasn’t expecting this im so scared” exclaimed Cheeze in a mocking tone.
Every one was ready to fire on the command, then for the first time ever archer had a brain wave. “Hey nezz can you go and find me some rope quickly” whispered archer.

When nezz returned he had some good strong rope which archer tied to an arrow. He waved to Cheeze to show there was a slight change in plan. Archer raised his bow and soundlessly fired.

It hit the box in which the staff was kept. The people on the ground spun round and fired steely, magic and arrows at the archer. “Cya later” shouted archer to Anni as he disappeared over the side of the roof tied onto the rope.

The box went flying out of the window and down into the street were archer caught it easily. Onion teleported down quickly and created a wall of ice as a shield. Onion and Cheeze teleported off onto the roof there they escaped over the rooftops.

When they looked back they saw they were being followed so they turned and made a stand. They got ready to fight then wondered where the archer was. As the sins that had managed to get onto the roof approached Silver fired on them taking them out one by one with the help of Cheeze. Anni and nezz approached them and gave Silver and Cheeze cover.

As the last sin managed to get onto the same roof as the group. He fended of attacks from all of them. Then got over to the next roof he turned and pulled out some steely ready to throw.

Sudenly he fell forward of the roof and down onto the street below and there standing behind him was archer unharmed and triumphant with the Kage strapped to his back.
“So then did you miss me” said archer. Every one jumped over the roof to meet him.

“Archer thank you for getting my Kage and what’s your name because saying archer is annoying.” Said Cheeze

“Every one calls me Andy” Said Andy.

Im sorry not much happend but i needed to fill in that bit.

Hope you liked it and auditions are on for vilans in the fourm so go chk it out

5 thoughts on “Epesode 3 of the mystery evil”

  1. Okay. Personally I find it a bit difficult to follow but maybe it’s just because I have to go in a minute and I sped-read it.
    Umm, as a critic, could you possibly organise this into paragraphs?
    Or not, doesn’t matter.

    ~Lily x33.

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