It’s been a while since I last blogged. I’ve been so busy with school and random life stuff. But I’m here and boy do I have stuff to write about.
So, Ive been Mapling all weekend. Friday was the beginning of my fun. I logged on with the intension of lvling up, but instead my best Maple buddy Rose took me to New Leaf City. We went there and I found out that I could NEVER survive there at lvl 31 alone. I tried fighting the bunnied and I could kill them…in several thousand hits… We went deep into the woods and I watched Rose fight Alot of cool looking monsters. It mad me want to get stronger so badly. She told me she was getting items for Golems. I didn’t even know they had goblens in the game. So, she finally got her items and took me to the Goblen place. She told me not to move then left. I stood there and watched her summon goblen after goblen after goblen. There were seven in all I think. Then she came, stood next to me and proceeded to slaughter them all… I was like O_O (check screens).
We then went to Aqua Road, where she left me to lvl. I didn’t stay there for long though. I went to do some quests. She logged back on later and got me 600 Jr Pepe fish. Geez.
I made it to lvl 32 after she left for the mansion.
Saturday, I went to Ludi for kicks. Wasnt nothing to do there but quests. I got 50% from quests before I went to help a friend transfer items to her mule. Then I went to the Sky Terrace with a guild mate to train. He added two other people to our party and the exp came rolling in. One of the guys in our party took us on a wild goose chase for that box that sends you to a hidden street with all the Trojan filled boxes. After spending about 30 minutes looking for the box, we found out, we all couldnt go in at once. So, we went back to training. I was upset. Waisted my precious training time .
So, after I lvled to 33 and changed into my new armor, my guildmate logged off and I was stuck with the two guys. Well, one of them revieled that he was actually a she playing as a he lol. And the one who sent us on a wild goose chase wasn’t as bad as I thought. So, we decided to travel after we got bored with teddies. Went walked from Ludi to KFT, from KFT to Aqua Road, we talk to the dolphin and went to Mu Lung. From there we flew to Orbis. And then we got on the ship to Vic. I took a short cookie break while on the ship. When I came back, the girl playing as a guy (henceforth known as the girlguy) invited me to her friend’s wedding. I said accepted and off we were. She invited the other guy as well. So we stood there for a long while waiting for the couple to finish the marriage quest. My Guildmate logged back on and I got him invited as well. There was lots of miscommunication and it took forever for him to get an invite. He didnt get there til after the wedding had started, but he barely missed anything. After the wedding, him and I went to the evil eye cave to train some. Then we realized, we were both tired of Maple and logged off.
Finally, today I logged on and did the 999 Evil eye quest and the 10 Jr Boogie horn quest. That got me to 50%. I the tried to stop procrastinating and do the Brown bamboo hat quest, and the sauna robe quest, but I didnt feel like looking for a good Lupin spawning spot. So, I went back to Orbis and from there I walked to Ludi. I actually dont remember what I did when I got to Ludi. All I know is somehow I ended up back in Orbis with Rose trying to help her start her guild. We had a hard time finding people. We got our old Guild Master to get on her noob and help. Then we got someone from my BL (the girlguy). Then we went to recruiting random people lol. I went to Fm and told people to whisper her if they wanted to join. And the last guy was a random guy I saw sitting infront of the potions shop.
After Rose created the guild, she logged off. I help the lvl 12 guy who joined the guild get back to vic, then I went back to Ludi and kicked some teddy butt. I met up with the girlguy again and we partied. Atleast we did until she ditched me for a wedding, then she trained with her friend in vic and left me all alone. But I lvl to 34 anyway lol. Then I did two more quests and got tired of Maple again. So I logged off.
Tomorrow I wanna get to lvl 35 so that i can wear my new stuff. Sorry for any typos, it’s late and I’m tired. BTW all of this happened on my character Eraen. Ok, I’m going to bed nowm g’night.
Sounds like a pretty fun day.
I remember summoning those Goblins myself; they’re pretty fun to kill. XD
Durr, You mean KFT guy. Korean Folk Town. NLC = New Leaf City.
Oh yea lol. Sorry.
Lol. I saw your friend in the Haunted House
. Didn’t talk to her though o.o. Blah, you level to like, level 34 in two days, in two weeks I levelled to 92. . =(
Wdf I’ve been playing for more than a year and I’m only level 66.
Wow. You’re insane, XD
2x EXP cards, Gachapon, godly equips, funded, etc etc much? O_o, It’s hard to get to level 50 in a week with 2x EXP cards and 92 in 2 weeks you become a 9x O_O? Pretty unbelievable unless someone uses hacks >_>
+.+ I want to be level 9x. D: I’ve been playing since right after beta, and only 54. Then again, I:
A)Character hop. Alot.
B)Get lazy.
C)Get bored of Maple, then come back a few weeks later. Just like someone that tries to quit smoking >.<
lol. The only times I ever quite Maple were when my computer stopped letting me play it. Which happened ALOT in the past lol.