I dont want to play right now so Im going to make another submission. This is all because of youtube. I have been watching a heck of a lot of Maple videos on youtube and seeing how good Maplers should be.
I wouldn’t even read this myself =____=
I’d let it circle the drain before disappearing off of the most recent blogs list.
Reasons why I suck: (in maple and otherwise)
I cant jump. If you took away my equips or any other jump, speed enhancements, I could barely move. I have never finished a jumping quest (except for the pet ones) to date.
Im not very social. I am shy, even though it is ridiculous to be shy when you are a mere cluster of pixels bouncing around on a screen. When I do chat with people, I am awkward and come off as… well, just plain odd.
I cannot chat while there are monsters on the screen. Be it a snail or a… something stronger, if I am not focused or on a safe ladder, rope, or platform, I WILL DIE. Im not joking, about 2 days ago, I closed a chat window to find that my character had been killed by a mob of snails… at level 24. =__=
I am not a skilled player and I probably messed up my stats to the point of beyond repair. I just dont want to talk about it, it depresses me. =[
I never PQed. Not much more to say…
I cant stay in a guild. As soon as it becomes inactive, I worry about whether or not I REALLY want to be in the guild, I quit and am alone until another guild finds me and I repeat the process.
I worry so much about my NX that I have grown addicted to it. In fact, Ive been complaining a lot to my buddy on how a large number of females in Maple have the same hair as me and I want to change it but cannot find another hairstyle that I find suitable.
I am just plain retarded.
I am an elitist and even though I have good intentions, I cannot shut my mouth and I come off as a jerk. Dont even mention emo unless you want a rant out of me. As soon as someone says emos or being emo I feel like giving them a kick in the face. This is why I try VERY hard not to go on forums anymore. The last time I frequented a forum, it was on bolt and I just became one of those ornery regs. At my age, it is no longer cute nor is it acceptable to act like a know-it-all from the indie scene.
But it wouldnt kill people to know what theyre talking about >=O
I do not understand peoples infatuation with baked goods. People are always saying I like pie! or *hands you a muffin/cookie* and all that. It would be a lie if I said I like cookies, cakes, muffins, or any other random assortment of desserts and pastries (except pie, I really do like pie).. (I dont like sweets, they make me feel icky)… (I like candy though).. (But not like chocolate or anything).
I cant spout off about other random things either. Its not a poor sense of humor thing… I hope.
Im going to go try to level up and wallow in my suckiness.
And to the KFT quest about the books… 90 cheeses and about 700 hp (including what I get from the Maple Lama Staff), what am I supposed to do with 90 cheeses?!?!
*edit: random, irrelevant Rocko quotes for the sake of nostalgia
I am the cheese. I am the best character on this show. I am better than the salami and the bologna combined.
-Mr. Cheese
I thought I told you to keep your bird away from MY MONKEY!
-Fat man
garbage day, is a very dangerous day.
Bath day is a very dangerous day.
It wasn’t the hook. Twas’ tartar killed the beast
Heffer: “Shh! Not around the G-U-R-L” Filburt: “It’s a B-O-Y you wig wearing recess monkey!!!”
-Heffer Filburt
Will all one legged weasels born on the right side of a watermelon begin boarding please…
-Airplane announcer
Rocko: I’m no comedian! I just have a funny accent!
Whoa check out that total hottie~!
I’m not going to argue with the pastry part of the blog, because I have never >___> tasted pie before.
*Takes cover in a cave made of watermelons and spectacles*
MugenWaltz DOES look good in her little lifejacket :3
How, how do you miss out on pie?!? T~T
It’s unfathomable!
You need to get pie, now! =[
I’m more of a Jolly Rancher girl, myself. I’m addicted to those things! D:
-falls on ground and twitches alot-
Muffins are still good, nonetheless. >O
I think everyone of us has the ‘Why we suck’ list. :X Things aren’t as bad as you think it is, so cheer up. ^^
Ah, 90’s nick at it’s finest.