
I was making an attempt at descending (slowly without scrolls ’cause I gave mine away… -_-) Eos tower when someone greeted me and said that they’ve seen me around a bunch of times. It hadn’t even occurred to me that someone would recognize me. I mean… I tend to recognize… say… people who I’ve seen were high level on the ranking or post too much on the Windia forum on the website. I generally forget people I’ve seen, even people with crazy looking NX stuff (giant teddybears teleporting past me in Orbis). I wonder if anyone else recognizes me… I can’t even recognize my own guild.

Also, I’m starting to get annoyed with people asking me to buy the weapon that I just so happen to be using. It’s not even a rare one that you can only get on Basil or through drops or scrolled.

I am never going to get to level 40 (I will be lvl 39 forever -_-). I keep dying due to: 1)People trading me asking me for my not-so-hard-to-find wand while monster attack me or 2)The horrible, horrible lag that starts with hackers and then to anything that moves or 3)I leave the game running and check my e-mail while on a boat to Orbis/Ellinia and ‘rogs decide to show up.

6 thoughts on “Familiar?”

  1. AWWW! Don’t worry! You will level! 😀 I’ll even train you if you’d like. ^^ Say, what server are you in?

  2. Yea thats really familiar. I tryed that once with dark sight on my bandit, still died.
    It did like 2k on me

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