Polar Bears,Golems and…Insanity <33

I’m going to rewrite the blog . O_O

Okay .

First pic <33

I was at pig beach, trying to get one red ribbon for The runaway kid Alex. I bet he collects those gold watches . Even if we do the quest he Forever . Remains . In . Kerning . How many gold watches did his mother actually have ?

Back to the the subject . Just ONEEE Red Ribbon . I could get it if I just whack a random Ribbon Pig and get in . But NUUUU~ A hacker came in . And looted all the drops, killed all the monsters and annoyed the heck out of me .

Being impatient and angry as usual in such circumstances, I would immediately rush off to another channel and transfer my anger to some other people…

-Not .

xxVietGLrlxx [[url=http://www.mmotales.com/user/sweetaznpunk]] heard my frantic calls in Buddy Chat and invited me over to her map . I finally acquired THE RED RIBBON <33 . And a hacker came . So we tried to find a new map . ‘Tried’ has never gained anything, so we just had to.. clear some people out of the way . x)

Aaron or meep or dark or idiot[See [url=http://www.mmotales.com/user/DarkIdiot] asked me to transfer some of his equipment for him . And followed me into Pig Beach into the bargain O_O

We did this absolutely Awesomeeeeeeeee <33 group pic ^^ Click here


Ahh . I just about managed to fool everyone into thinking I was staying somewhere in Antartica doing some..pointless and highly-irrelevant-to-this-blog work . And I was taking some new stands on Polar Bear Rights .

A little tour

I heard of the new Shanghai town China thingy <333 And was actually thinking of going there when..



I agreed to help . And I got some of my guild members to come too..[All it took was a little drop of persuasion and a huge dollop of threats . xD] It was a Mixed . Stone . Golem . Map . That means KS Wars 24/7 And I mean Forest Of Golem . In the end we just left the map . I went to Shanghai for about 2.7 minutes and left . RECORD TIME!!

Pretty Random


I was doing my Suana Robe Quest and I needed some Lupin bannanas so NezinShadows[[url=http://www.mmotales.com/user/nezinshadows[/url]] or NEZZZZZZZ helped me . And brought me to Malady >.> Luckily, the old hag didn’t take me for her sister .


All I did was to slay as much monsters as possible <33

And this guy just had to do disrupt me .



I just had to keep this short .

And fast .


Heheh .

For the past few blogs I have been persuading/asking/begging you to add me . O.O

Someone remind me not to in my next blog .

Cya x)

15 thoughts on “Polar Bears,Golems and…Insanity <33”

  1. Yeah, it isn’t yours… No one told me/showed me about ‘x)’, I just do it.

    Considering I have no clue who you are, you can’t say I copied it from you.

  2. i don’t know what veggie is talking about but i’ll tell you who Annikabelle is:

    One of the best damn blog writer on MMOTales and a holder of the coveted “Golden Waffle” award

  3. lol that SirSomething kid can’t spell XD.

    ThatNoobGuy said: ” God plz strike lightning down on this bit@h killing everything”

    what is a bit@h? XD


  4. What server are you in? If you are in Khaini Ill train with you obn my cleric, though he int my main, but ill do aything for a spearman 0o. *hopes to god for friend for the future*

  5. Waffle said: “i don’t know what veggie is talking about but i’ll tell you who Annikabelle is:

    One of the best damn blog writer on MMOTales and a holder of the coveted “Golden Waffle” award”

    I got a Golden Waffle before though, what about me? D:

    ~Cheezy the Winner of a Golden Waffle too~

  6. HeeroJay said: “I’d kinda like one of these ‘golden waffles’, they sound tasty.”

    Oh, you can’t eat the golden waffle. Just lick it you can.


  7. I used it becausee.

    [x]] Looks weird. o_o;; I use the x) when it’s in a little side note from the story.


  8. Annikabelle is both in SEA (that’s her Priest and Sin and whatever else) and in GMS (Spearman?). Not sure which GMS server though.

    Hee. Sounds like fun 😀 Shanghai is TOPCLASS boring though. >.> I logged out 5 mins after exploring it, it was that bad.

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