[GAWD.4TH TIME.ALL MY PICS WILL BE ON IMAGESHACK.Except some.I can’t be bothered to do all]
Yep. I reached it. I managed to get my priest to 120!*Head promptly swells up, gets pricked by a pin and deflates* My sole mission in Maple is accomplished [Oh No it isnt.] Guys,MMOers,Verbose, devilrymage,Fenrir,and the-person-who-is-reading-this,[yes thats you.] I want to say a big THANK YOU . <333.[This should come later,but who cares?]
Bye Anego~Hello Fishies~
Anego was great. Isgreat I mean. Above all this great-ness about her, she can destroy safety charms, as fast as Zakum can kill me when I land on it without Magic Guard. o_O. I was running low on those great little charms who the great Anego destroyed in 5 seconds, so I bade her goodbye and went off to greet the squids, who can kill me as fast as she kills me.
We had a little trouble with a guy who went by the name of Vertuex. He was in the party leaders guild, and he was invited to the party.[The leader went after he was invited; his sister wanted to use the com] He insisted on visiting his shop in the Free Market. We gave him 5 minutes. He took 25 minutes. He was wasting a party slot, in which anyone would gladly take .So we kicked him out of the party.[If I was the leader I would have kicked him from Aqua Road to Maple Island] He came back 30 minutes later, and we started arguing . He called me a dog . I didnt even swear at him. And he called me a dog.Dont give me that crap about A dog is a mans best friend.
We said a very sarcastic goodbye to him . Sorry Vertuex, you started it, and you are in the wrong, and Im apologizing.
Goodbye Fishies. Welcome back,Anego.
The inescapable boredom drove me out of the Squids, and back to Anego.The greatAnego . Going near her was a risk, but whats fun without it? [the risk I mean, not Anego] The 2x event was on .Anego gave me 4%. 4% x 2 = 8%. I was 93% . 93% + 8% = 101% = Level Up~
End Of Math Lesson.
The DK leveled up to level 88 with me at the same time xD. Double Level.
I didnt intend to train anymore, and I made a visit to Zakum. When the Door was Open, I ran in
and saw my friend lamecools He partied me.We fooled around for about an hour while the other parties were trying to persuade some noobs to get out [There was a maximum capacity] and let there priests come in. AND WHILE WE WERE RUNNING AROUND/LOOKING FOR PRIESTS/AFK-ING, someone summoned ZAKUM. About a party died on the spot . And because everyone was shouting OMG and jumping.. I disconnected.
What a perfect way to end the day.
The people
That lump of rock
Gratz, Remember that guy who said you were 110 -__-
Woot congrats =]] now your ready for 4th job when it comes out
Ah. Yes, MuNcHiEzm i think . -_-
>.> -wishes to be ur lvl ><-
zomg, lv 120
OMG the experience anego gives is ***. ***ness supreme!
You were and are the strongest active member on MMO. Congrats!
Now sit back and wait for forth job so you can do that whatever move that dishes around 50k to the whole map i think.
I’m still level 15
Congrats <3333333
I look up and envy you <3
I hope your next goal is accomplished with the help of your friends.
wow!~ ConGratz!
O-m-f-g. Level 120?! *faints* I’m so envious. xD I’m only 27. xDD
Anyway, congrats! =D
haha grats. . . 120. . . i cant imagine when Ill get there. Have fun at 4th job!
Go beat that idiot called MrYandao.
Yes, I call him an idiot.
xShadowSinx is a possessive control freak
0.0 Great job & gratz on lving, Nice writing too <3333
Grats Anni =.= You dc-ed in the morning too at zakum.Then you couldn’t get in =.= wahahaha (*^_^*)
Congrats! Wow, you get alot of mp when you hit level 120. 13k -dies-
u just made me wanna plai maple again, and grazties
wow what did it drop
(and gratz!another level 120 priest :D)