Kicking Zipangu’s Lady Boss’s Butt

SEA players know of the new town of Zipangu get there through the Giant Pelican eating a gir who is currently resting on the skyscraper of Kerningl and most people will say that it is a noob place and people shouldn’t go there . If you’re one of those guys, you are wrong *sticks out tongue* You haven’t seen the Lady Boss, or the ah ma <bad term for old people> I got owned two times there T.T

You have to admit it . The monsters in Zipangu looks like some of us *looks at Verbose and DevilryMage* All of them are modelled to be gangsters and Assasins.. Most of them are weak, okay.. 99.999999% OF THEM ARE WEAK They can’t all be weak, so there are a couple of guys ugly enough to put us off our dinners . <but not snack time>

Monster-Maplers Like…

THE 10000000000000-YEAR-OLD LADY BOSS OF ZIPANGU <or perhaps older than that>

Meet the most oldest, definitely the ugliest, the most powerful monster of them all..<In Zipangu that is> She deals up to 111,392 damage and boasts of 75m<if that’s wrong kill CiNdYJuAn> Hit Points . Wearing a..hey, who cares what she’s wearing.. She slaps, she shoots, she.. kills people by jusy kissing them?? <suggested by MattBoy, who was dumb enough to kiss her>> And she took 19 people, killed all of them more than 9 times<except me and the 125 Ice Mage> and summoned enough of her grandchildren/henchmen to kill a whole army of.. oranges.

We had to attack her on a shelf and she got her grandchildren/henchmen to climb up on the shelf, knock us down so she could slap/shoot/kiss us . Nasty . We battled for about 3 and a half hours.. Dying,killing the grandchildren,watching people die when they got/was slapped/shot/kissed/kissing the old lady . Wasn’t boring at all 😀 A bit irratating I suppose, the old lady just would’nt kick the bucket. Tough old nut . *Gets slapped* Ouch .

Sadly, I can’t present a picture of what she looked when she died, or the picture of the item she dropped because I dc-ed the moment she died AWWWWWWWWWWW LADY YOU ARE JUST TOO MEAN!!!! My party told me she dropped a comb . A COMB!! A COMB!!!!!! 3 HRS 30 MINS JUST FOR A STUPID COMB!!!!!! *faints and gets carried out on a stretcher* That was just a complete waste of time . *Gets slapped by the old Lady again* zzz.

I found out the secret of how males get into the Female SPA!! Yeah, the sick perverts who come in and spam “WOOOOO! LOOK AT ALL E CHIO BUS [pretty gals]!!” Idiots.

What you need :
1. A Female priest with mystic door .

2.Thats about it .

The priest goes into the suana, goes to the most right, under the second tap.
Press up and gets into the Secret SPA.
Door .
I got an Illbi for my sin ^^





15 thoughts on “Kicking Zipangu’s Lady Boss’s Butt”

  1. Lol, awesome. Man I wanna play this again, but MapleSEA

    I’m poor if I start out, can people support me? 😀

  2. aww
    i so wanna play now msea
    but i dont actually btoher to train well though lol
    so if i did
    id get no where xD

  3. The EvilStranger might come back to MapleStory again! Yay!

    How about my friends in GMS? -.-

  4. *says a rude word* I just doored my 38th person into the Female SPA and now I wanna go to the Male spa. said that in BL, and friends start to crack up, and laugh, *storms off in a huff*

  5. Annikabelle! Just cause my bandit died at bains and couldn’t make it to lady boss doesn’t mean I’m not gonna get back at you!
    Uh lemme think,


  6. Lemme get this straight, my BL got their revenge for you already by singing it everytime I’m online, DOWN WITH SPONGEBOB

  7. The monsters in Zipangu looks like some of us *looks at Verbose and DevilryMage*

    Hey! Just because I like, love firefox, doesn’t mean I am a fire fox!

  8. I started unfunded. The rest is history. 😀

    And I’ll only fund some person in Aquila if they can find me a way to crash Global.

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