WOOT I’m a Page now!!!

Well everyone short blog yeah i know but anyhoot! I have finally become a Page now,after 1 month and a half down into this.Besides that been doing some CPQ in Ludi.I find them useless at my level since level 31 Pages aren’t so great in this field until lvl 40 i believe,as long as i have some good party members I’m good but still under numbered.My bf is so far into the game trying to get his Zakum helmet while me 30 levels below him ( cough im so lame cough ) are managing to just make some mesos as quick as i can since i already spent over 300K just on Potions and such LOL.

My AngelPancake charactor is doing good with a new hairdo ~ shes happy like me thanks to my bf Thanks!
I also am just beginning to fight in Sleepy Woods / Ludi for good exp.Not much else going on just enjoying my Spouse chat lol since its so private and easyier to get to then whisper lol.Well thanks for reading and So long sorry I’m not very active here.But anyways Bye!

15 thoughts on “WOOT I’m a Page now!!!”

  1. LOL yeah, weird name for a second job i dont get it lol.Page? and thanks for the comments so far

  2. In medieval times, a page is what boys used to become if they aspired to knighthood. Page -> squire -> knight.

    I have a level 34 page in GMS, loool.

  3. Lol Nass, it’s usually the other way around

    (It was the other way around, when I made my now immortalized (I wish) blog on SMS, causing 80% of the population of the site to convert.)

  4. RussetAure said: “Lol Nass, it’s usually the other way around

    (It was the other way around, when I made my now immortalized (I wish) blog on SMS, causing 80% of the population of the site to convert.)”

    SMS is sooo much cooler. =O

  5. yeah i wanna play GMS just to see the new stuff they shoved in to distract you from realizing you’re starting to spend quite alot of money on something that will not be realized


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