The End of Evang- err, Winter Break.

Today marks the end of my winter break… School starts bright and early tomorrow @ 8:00 AM. How nice, huh?

4th job… Ah yes… I’m nearly there. 7 levels off. 8 days left starting tomorrow… That means a level a day…

What about everyone else? Did you make your ‘Break goals? I think I tried well enough getting to 120; a mere 7 levels off isn’t too bad, despite the fact that I’ll be needing a total of ~200 million experience to get from 113 to 120. [Picture 1]

Himes are nice. That’s HEE-mays, not HI-mms. It’s Japanese! Hell, I’ll even call them “Dreamy Ghosts” if thats what you’re prefer. Anyways, they’re great exp, compared to Aqua parties… The problem is, its <bleep>ing annoying trying to find a party/channel during peak hours. And they hurt when you have on MG in case of lag…

I also tried going solo at Grims. Despite what people think about soloing being slow, I found it slightly faster than usual, but that might be because I’m an -attacker- not a -non-attacker-. It’s interesting…

Anyone played Persona 3? Or rather, Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 3? I thought it was a cool game, I mean seriously, what’s cooler than putting a gun to your head?! [Picture 2] I think the game overall is… different, so to speak, from MS.

Well, I wish you all the best of luck. For all you 11X+ people, good luck getting to 120, because you’re not going to be the only one working to that goal!

Oh yeah, I got a new mouse today, for the comp. Logitech’s MX Revolution. Its really awesome. But it cost $100. $100. $100. $100. There goes some of my Christmas money…

-From the Prodigy, the Delinquent, and the Androgynous.
–Blog finished @ 10:53 PM, PST.

14 thoughts on “The End of Evang- err, Winter Break.”

  1. I’m gonna get an iPod after the Chinese New Years.
    I got like 17,000 NT from last year. I bought a nano last year and it costs 4,000 NT, however, 4 months later, IT GOT STOLEN

    Gonna save money to buy another one, perhaps like, with a chain locked onto my pants with a 10-digit number code to unlock. Damn thieves.

  2. I was going to get a computer for Christmas ><
    Now it looks like I’m going to get it for Chinese New Year’s, like EvilStranger. And it’s not even going to be mine.

    I would even be surprised if we don’t get it for another month or so. What sucks is that none of my current computers work with MS, so I’m having a reallllllly loooooonnnnnnnnnng break. P.S. $100 for a mouse?! Me, being one of those stereotypical Asian people, would haggle over the price. Actually, I wouldn’t, but my parents would.

  3. $100?!
    *converts to SG dollars*
    o___O I think I earn that in, er, four sessions of tutoring? omgwthbbq.

    Priests are sad. >< They can’t even complain that their EXP is slow, cause they’re non-attackers. And they get cursed at all the time. >>;

  4. Ugh, I think I might be the laggiest Priest ever. But luckily, my ISP is being changed so hopefully things are going to get better! ^_^

    On a side note, I’ll be need ~1 level a day to get to 120 before the patch day, I wonder how long the patch will be? Leafre, 4th job, Horntail, mounts, etc, I hope Nexon doesn’t freakin’ nerf the Leafre drops, or I’ll be pretty pissed,

    Oh yeah, I thought of something today: what if, in addition to the new in-game features, Nexon America throws in the “Trade NX for Players’ Items.” system? You know, like in jMS, where you can buy stuff with NX? I think that’d be really cool and stuff, though I doubt that would happen,

    Then again, that system may bring in even more money for Nexon (People buy NX to buy other people’s godly stuff!). Who knows? It could be implemented, I think,

  5. Well, it depends on the quality of the mouse and its functions, no? If the mouse was wireless/rechargeable, I think it might be worth it. My Christmas money all went to clothes. >.>

  6. vicelin said: “End of Evangelion sucked D:

    And good luck on 4th job.”

    Ditto on both points.

  7. vicelin said: “End of Evangelion sucked D:

    And good luck on 4th job.”

    End of Evangelion was awesome. >O
    It’s just really complicated to understand it properly. The last words are open to so much interpertation.
    I got the whole series. You can’t believe how difficult it is to understand.
    Lovin’ it.

    Get a G5 mouse. Or is that the G15? Meh, one of them is a keyboard.

    ~Lily x33.

  8. $100 for a mouse eh?
    I’m still using those “no I don’t feel like moving the cursor where you want it to go” ball mouse things
    Really lame. . .

    Good luck on teh 4th job! (All I gotta do is make it to 3rd first)


  9. I don’t have a mouse at all
    Bought a cheap wireless mouse a couple months ago, but it stopped working after a day >.<

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