Phase Shift: Comic 2

Part 2 is finally finished, after much procrastination… >_>


In other news, my leveling is going smoothly. I’m currently at 94 with around 30%, (See uploaded picture). The second screen-shot is my current key settings, in case anyone ever wonders about what key settings do I use, (of which I doubt).

I also watched the last ep. of School Days. I seriously do not recommend it if you have a weak stomach… q(-_-)p

7 thoughts on “Phase Shift: Comic 2”

  1. Okay, I apologize about the confusion again, but thanks for taking the time to read. =O

    I think the problem is with the talking. Numbered/labeled bubbles will be attempted to be added onto the next part.

    Again, thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. Ohemgee. I remember my friend Steven was helping me train a friend with his friend’s priest, lxtima. zomgbera? o-o”

    And anyway, I was kinda confused when I was reading the comic. After the 3rd panel I was like, “uhh wut?”

    But oh well! Good luck leveling.

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