Well, I haven’t been on Maple much these days, because I just got Neverwinter Nights: Diamond, (w00t! my RDD pwnz wit all the custom level 40 ‘quips i made! w00t!). Also, depending on how many people read/reply/like this chapter, I’ll decide whether or not to upload Chapter 4, the final chapter of Part 1. Anyways, enjoy the story…!
Tetsu has just blacked out from fatigue after fighting the Nue, a chimera-like monster that Bunyan had sent Rei to kill! Will he manage to get up, or will he succumb to death?
Location: Henesys Mountain Minor; of Henesys, Victoria Island
“Tetsu….Tetsu…..thou art falling unto death….Tetsu, thou must prepare thyself for youst manifestion….” “Indeed, o Tetsu, thou manfestion be a dagger to thine throat…” “If he would like a freeing from youst malediction, journey to…”
“Tetsu, wake up man. You’ve been sleepin’ for hours!” “Wha-,” I said, sitting up. I looked around, and saw a clean interior. When I looked out the window, there was a cleanly swept ground, leading upwards. Strange, I thought, weren’t we chasing after the chimera-thing? “You must be wondering what we doin’ up here,” said Rei, “and to answer that, we’re in that cabin in Henesys Mountain, Minor. You’d better stay down.” I sat down, and asked, “Shouldn’t you and Teepo be chasing down that thing?”
“Nah,” said Teepo, “We’re just waitin’ for you to get ‘churrself up and come wit’ us.” “Meh, doesn’t matter anyways, I’m all ready to head out with ya’ guys,” I said, “In fact, just give me a few -….” “Crap, he just collapsed, Rei,” said Teepo.
An hour later:
“Ugh, my head… I think I’m…uh…well!” I said to whoever was near, “Hey…WHERE THE HECK IS EVERYONE!?” This was troubling, as the day was growing darker by the minute. I got off the bed, and examined the interior of the cabin, and despite the remote area it was in, this building was in good shape, and everything looked new and clean. Suddenly, there was a pounding on the door. I rushed over to it, and nearly tripped form some pieces of large debris. And at the door, I had the surprise of my life.
Four mounted horsemen were carrying Teepo and Rei back into the cabin. “Who the hell are you?” I asked. “We,” stated the horsemen in unison, “are the Four Horsemen. We are Death, Disease, Pestilence, and Famine! No one escapes from us, and our target’s fate is ALWAYS sealed!” “Oh wow,” I said, “Now what are you gonna do? Give me your credentials to get a job at some fast-food joint?” “That is not humorous at all,” the quadruple replied, still in unison, “And for that, young’un, your fate is also sealed!” “So bring it!” I challenged, “But–” I never got to finish, because at that moment, I felt something sharp enter my chest, and it repeated many, many times, bringing excrusiatingly torturous pain. I screamed as I began to fall into unconciousness for the third or fourth time that day.
The mounted men smiled as they continued to pierce the seemingly dead boy’s body. Pestilence then asked, “What is it that we should do with these…humans, brothers?” “I gots an idea,” said Famine, “Hows about we brings dis runt,” he pointed at Teepo, “and bring ’em to da boss, yo?” “Ja, wir sollten das tun. Dieses Kind ist der Schlüssel zum Erfolg unseres Masters! Er wird uns für unsere harte Arbeit heute loben!” declared Disease. Death gave a knowing smile, and told them, “Don’t get too reckless you imbeciles. Oh, and Disease, stop speaking German, or I’ll silence you!” “¡Sí señor, Muerte señor! ¡Dejaré de decir al alemán, y diré esta lengua en cambio!” Disease finished. The horsemen took Teepo, but then decided to take Rei as well, leaving what seemed to be a corpse of Tetsu behind for whatever remained on the mountain.