Wrath Of God

So, today I came home and found out that an ENTIRE comunity was flaming me. That was fantastic, but on top of that, I had to go to work in an hour. I quickly read the edits of Guju, and determined that they were mostly moot, but did find out that my first draft was absolute crap. But before I could really do much more than falsify most of the edits on the peer review sheet (althought most correct, many unnessisary [sp]), I had to go to work.

So anyway, here is the point: I work outside at my job. Today they skys came crashing down on me. It not only rained, but flooded while I was in the middle of a parking lot. I got completely soaked, and enjoyed 2 hours of absolute hell. So then I come home early soaked, and finish deleting all my blogs on alter.

So what does all this mean? I am starting over. I am going to post some of my blogs on my new charater (Broken Images) and completely rearticulate my idea for thought experiment. (and for my real editor: yes, the title will be relevant in the end).

This is my formal appology for being so presumptuous and inept. I will no longer be completely rude, and when I actually need to say something, I will try to say it nicely.

Last thing: for those who read my blogs before, just deal with me. Until I can post some of my good works (yes, I have good works besides that 20 minute piece of crap), you will have to deal with old crap.

I should have my complete story in about 1 month. And this WILL be fantastic, I garentee. This is not my ego talking, either. This is preparation talking. I have a free period in school every day. During this hour, I will work on it. I also will spend much of my time at home working on it. Finally, I will get it edited by all three of my english teachers before I post it. You all should really look forward to this.

P.S. I am sorry. Just accept my appology and appreciate the fact that I was wrong.

8 thoughts on “Wrath Of God”

  1. You’re a really an interesting character you know. ^^

    Apology accepted! Although I do wonder what made your ego manifest itself so the other day. You actually sound quite nice when I talked to you.

    Anyways, I still do suggest you type your posts in something with a spellcheck first, then paste it over here. It still contains many funny spelling errors.
    All the best for you story!

  2. Apology accepted

    However, the edits were not moot.

    I look forward to your stories and if you want I’ll edit em in case you want someone else to. (always better to have a peer to edit) >.>

    Just send em if you wish and i’ll do it all confidentially and put in constructive criticism. If not me, get the various works edited by your teacher, I tend to go to my English teacher to edit many things that do not have to do with school. I’m sure they’d be glad to help.

  3. holy crap. . .

    you apoligized?

    thats. . . hard to believe

    no offense to you though

    i am also sorry about anything i may have said

    i sorta forgot you were only human and i said some harsh things

    not that they offended you anyway im guessing

    but still

    i go on and on and on about being nice

    but lately ive been pretty mean

    so i wont end this apology with something Waffle-related

    instead ill do it this way:

    ~If i am only one Waffle, can i still make a difference? Hell Yeah, cuz wafflez are worth 6billion differences!

    (ok it was still waffle related but hey who cares)

  4. A shame. The Ninja enjoyed your harsh commentry.

    However, the Ninja also enjoys new, personal growth.

    Good luck with being nicer, you shouldn’t have to hard a time at that.

    ~The Ninja

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