
I sit outside, with my big bowl of icecream

Observing the sky, in wait for things to get interesting

Random flashes through the sky, I hear scared dogs wimpering.

Rolling rumble of the night just keeps me up patiently.

Clouds kill the sky, so no stars can be seen.

So much time has passed that my bowl is empty.

I can hear the crickets chirp, the wind is now quickening.

And soon-surely-things will start happening.

Soft pattering of rain drops begin as well.

Being inside is probably safer- but hell,

I dont want this moment to simply pass by.

So as the lightning rips through the sky

And the thunder yawps its cry of why,

I sit here patiently observing, outside.

7 thoughts on ““Life””

  1. Life, what is life? Life is lke an obstacle, trying to bring you down. But you got to get up, everytime.

  2. I love it. . . It’s indirect in a sense that it has two meanings to it. Absolutely brilliant

    – VanillaPocki –

  3. The so-called narrator is a begger. I love it. In life, you always have to fall. But after falling down you must always get up again

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