How not to get flamed

A lot of people know me as the “flame master” (Not really. I actually just made that up). Well, I do “flame” a lot. People may wonder why I do this, even if this is just the Internet. There is one main reason, and that reason simply is ignorance. I will try to give some quick reasons on how to prevent this.

First and foremost: Nothing you say can be arbitrary (out of whim or by chance; random)! Everything you should say must have support. Quote if need be. Just make sure that whatever you are saying can be proved without a reasonable doubt. What tends to happen is that people use stereotypes or “society’s” image of things and simply take them as true. Simply put, if you cannot prove what you are saying, then do not say it.

Second: Do not contradict yourself. Many times people have this epiphany, yet it is only one idea. They then try to stretch this one idea into an entire blog-sized, well, blog, and add things that actually contradict this epiphany. Make sure that all your topics hold true to the main idea, and make sure that you do not stray off this idea. When straying off, you may end up saying things that are not part of your main idea.

Third: (I sort of covered this, but. . .) Do not use stereotypes in your blogs. Do not claim, for example, that all high levels are hackers or have no life. Basically, do not add anything that people think is true that might not actually be true. For, son of man, you cannot say or guess, for you know only a heap of broken images. (You know nothing, so do not think you do.)

Fourth: (This I do not mind very much, for I just did it in my last comment due to haste) Please, try and use proper grammar. This is actually VERY simple to do, in fact. Open up a Microsoft Word and write your blog in that. It will correct everything for you. Then you can just copy paste.

This may not seem like a lot, but in fact, it is. These are actually very common things, definitely the first point. If you follow by these simple rules and make sure that your blog makes sense, then you will get nice comments

Edit: Perfect example: “ok many ppl get mixed up with these ppl a whole lot. i will give you defintions.
noob- a jerk ass who has no respect for anyone. he kses, sayes cc plz and other anoyying crap
newb- a newwer person to the game. he could be lvl 89 but new to something. like he might ask where npcs are. kindly tell them -_-
pro- experienced person at this game. he knows maplestory like its his life. he could be lvl 6 for all anyone knows.”

This guy has no proof of this, but rather, this is simply what he thinks. By posting, this he is asking to get flamed. Issues such as these are very risky, and should be expected to recieve controversy.

6 thoughts on “How not to get flamed”

  1. It’s flamed and not flammed so your point is weakened there. Make your post perfect before sending something like this out.

  2. Noted. Proceeds to stand in front of a train. Dies.

    (sorry, I am not into the “internet” lingo)

  3. c1umsyb3ar, it was just a typo. What he meant was like, using stuff like mixing up the “their, They’re and there” thingys and stuff.

    Woo, one extra letter was accidentally added in. Let’s make a useless comment complaining about it lulz. >:D


    Do what the other people do. Play sheep and make sure that you don’t speak up. You’ll get flamed for not following the latest trend. =/
    EX: When people argue about stories. Someone will automatically say ” Don’t dis the stories. They pwn u!”. They won’t examine your post at all. Just flame you. It’s so awesome. >=(


    Well, I like to be flamed. Meh. I love a guud argument. PopLolz!

  5. to be flamed or not to be. . . THATS the question.

    i agree with your blog a lot. SO MANY people deserve to be flamed, but they dont get flamed and people who dont deserve it do. so sad. . .so sad. . .

    Is my blog worthy of your famous flaming of firey flames O Mighty Flamer?

  6. sorry for double post, but you forgot to include this in your definitions.

    Ne0wb=a newb+a n00b. Meaning they are new to the game, but are also jerks.
    Example: The ne0wb asks you where a certain NPC is, then defames you when you show them.

    That is my word that i made up so only AltarofGod has exclusive rights to add it to his blog if he wishes. If not it is back to being a word for only my use! ! !
    lol im bored

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