Monkeys no more.
Yes, its true. No more monkeys for me.
I believe it was the right decision . . .at least I hope it was.
What are you talking about?!
*sigh* Its Aliyah Royal and I have some depressing news.
It seems like many guilds are being disbanded or going inactive, like the infamous HeavenBound guild and our own little guildporchMONKEYS.
Gah. . .
Why? Well, it was getting very inactive and dramaish. Plus, our leader Jeremy even quit maplestory, so it simply wasnt the same anymore. And many of the Jr. Masters started recruiting random people that only spammed and swore. The guild was getting quite corrupted. Even the original people, Nathan, Josh, Alex, and some others are going inactive, and its just so boring.
Also, the other day, the name of the guild was brought up to my attention. I know Aaru told me something about it already, but I didnt think it was such a big deal until I learned it was also a p0rno site. I was waiting on the 101st floor of the Eos Tower waiting to PQ when Kermit casually mentions it. I nearly fall off my chair. No one told me THAT part. But then again, I doubt Jeremy (leader of guild) knew. *hopes*
To make matters worse, Josh (one of the originals) was with us and he thought it was so funny and spammed it everywhere along with some racial slurs. >.< I felt so ashamed of being in that guild at the moment. As the other parties looked on and made some derogatory remarks, all I wanted to do was quit the guild. However, I didnt want to leave Nathan and Jeremy (I didnt know Jeremy quit already), so I stayed.
That was just strike one.
We didnt get into the PQ because one of the party members didnt come back in time from recharging his tobis. Ah well, we hung out on the benches outside Eos tower when Aaron came bouncing along. [Hiiiii Aaron! xP] So, it was I, Josh, Liviadia, and Krazy (Livs friend that joined the guild and quit after a day of its corrupted exposure) from porchMONKEYS, deathwalker and Aaron from MMO in a party. Kermit was just there too, but thats a whole another story. Livi and Kermy . . .♥. Anyway! Sorry for getting off topic. We were fighting at Trojans when we spy a hacker and thus begins a heated discussion between Josh and Aaron. Josh, being not so brightswears and cursesand fails miserably against the intellectual Aaron. [Ill refrain from swearing at you. xP That line was great.]
Blah blah blah. I tell Josh to be nice and he goes crazy. You side with HIM? Going against your own guild mate? Shieet! F*ck this!
grungebobXD has left the party.
And then he posts a guild message: F*ck you all! All except Livi! Livi is an exception because she was not part of this at all. She just concentrated on Kermit, go figure.
I just found his behavior to be quite immature. I mean, he couldnt at least try to be nice to my friend? Instead he goes and lunges at him with racial slurs. Strike two.
Today, I get on maple and decide that I had enough of Ludibrium and get to Victoria as fast as I can. Along the way, I meet one of my favorite people of all timeNATHAN! From Orbis, we head back to Victoria together (screenie). This screenie is also the last screenie of me in the porchMONKEYS guild. Take a last look, its a goner.
Once in Vic, he helps me gather some cursed dolls until he has to go. I get bored of training and take the taxi to Heneseys to complete a quest. As I stood around after the completed quest, I get a random defame. When I asked him why, he simply stated that my guild name was offensive. Strike three. That was my first ever defame and it did it for me. So I quit. I was tired of it all, and it was just too corrupted. I wish Jeremy still played.
I miss you Jeremy. T.T
As soon as I quit, Kermit recruited me in his guild Reaction. Hah, thanks Kerm. But I need a real active guild, or I might as well stay guildless. Anyone want to send me an invite? xP just kidding.
Enough about the guild.
Aaron is amazing. =D
And so is Ahsan.
These two are remarkable. ^^
But obviously Guruji is the best.
Mere jaan. ♡
Screenie List!
1. Nathan and me
2. porchMONKEYS no more.
3. Aaron, Omer and I.
4. Aaron, Ahsan (level 7x) and I.
5. TheLastCor and I.
Edit: Just joined the RamenNinjas–> Aaron’s guid. ^^
“We were fighting at Trojans when we spy a hacker and thus begins a heated discussion between Josh and Aaron. Josh, being not so brightswears and cursesand fails miserably against the intellectual Aaron. ” Lol that part is funny =P!
i’ll take her o.O
That lvl 80 guy is a noob defaming som1 just for a guild that he dun like?
porchmonkeys was a site?
excuse me i’ve gotta google this
btw first one to like this blog XD
DD sorry i dont know how to edit comments >.>
yay i’m not mentioned except for the small deathwalker and Aaron from MMO in a party.
aww Aliyah.
no worries, i am currently guildless, its a nice life
omg i was in that guild temporarily
dude o.O
omg i feel sick
its a RACIAL SLUR!? against my own people!?
who knew. . .
i need to lie down
I’m not guildless, but if anyone wanted me to join another guild for free, I’d quit my guild without a second thought.
There’s -censored- PRACTICALLY NO ONE in BlackHeartz.
Sorry for the -censored- but that’s how I feel about it. . .
I WAS a HeavenBounder, but the guild did fall. I never thought it would.
I left because it wasn’t the same with most of my friends not in the guild.
But we’re all still friends, and HeavenBounders at heart. And now I made my own guild.
But it was just time to move on I guess, soon you’ll find/make another guild, and hopefully still be good friends with most of the people that
were in the guild.
oh that sucks.
if you were in mapleSEA, i’d take you in in a matter of moments. . .=)
and wasn’t porchmonkeys a hacking site before it was a “p0rno” site?
uhh don’t feel bad! you’re an amazing young lady; just remember that.
you were too good for them anyway
Hiiyaa. :]
It’s Aliyah using Sunny’s mmo account at the moment, because my own was temporarily banned. >.>
Anyway. I’d like to say that I wasn’t aware of the meaning of porch monkeys when i joined the guild. but when i did find out, i wanted to quit, but friends kept me in. Friendhship is rather powerful! And also, the guild wasn’t meant as an offence to anyone because Jeremy himself, leader of the guild, was of African American decent and he wanted the name to be viewed as “lazy”. Not “lazy African American” people. I guess you can view it sort of as an ironic rebellion.
sorry if i offended any of you. it honestly was NOT meant.
ps. Aaru! I should have listened. ^^;
O_o um. . .i wouldn’t join that guild, but hey your doing it for friends. That’s nice, but . . i mean the name. . . and all guilds usually go inactive, then it bounces back up. That happened to my guild. Now its up and active thanks to the members who helped me bring it back to life.
EDIT i meant were doin it for ur friends -____-