Omg, sorry but this is sickening. Hacking is ILLEGAL. Don’t you think that’s more than enough for ppl hating hackers? Yeah, that’s right, not all hackers are the same that’s for sure… But if you can’t play a game decently without cheating then, why even CARE about playing it? If you just don’t have the time then why even try. It just doesn’t make any sense.
I can’t agree with the fact that not all hackers ruin it for others, cuz they are. I mean, first of all, the game wasn’t made so that anyone would come and hack to get it all done easily. Hacking is cheating for your own benefits, and you’re not helping anyone but yourself.I don’t mean that hackers are the same regards personality… of course they’re not. They are all humans, and all humans have their own personalities, way to treat ppl, their own way to act… that doesn’t mean that all hackers are bad or mean.
But, thanks to hackers other reasons are that things like prices of stuffs changes since inflation/they increase the prices of things, specially scrolls. And you’re going to tell me that it doesn’t ruin the game? C’mon, you got to be kidding me.
Lol, of course you need to hang out with your friends, sleep, and stuffs but lol, what does it even has to do with it? You can just stop and do one thing at the time, no need for hacking. I thought the game was for fun? But it seems more and more that the game is about showing off maybe? But believe me… most ppl don’t give a dam about that.
You can flame if you want.. but I’m just sharing my opinions, my thoughts.
Lol, Guruji would probably own you.
But it’s your opinion
That’s what counts 😉