First Blog (:

Hello everyone, this is my first blog. Thought I’ll finally make a blog after reading so many. Well, not much to say really. guess I’ll rant a bit about my maple life (: Um.. not much going on right now actually o.o These past few days I haven’t done much except for hardcore grinding. Since my guildmaster expelled everyone, I don’t talk to that many people anymore :/ I’m a whole lot more active in guild than in my BL. My new guild is.. well, new. Really it’s just a temporary thing until my guildmaster feels its safe to readd everyone and make guild active again. This new guild; no one knows me, no one says hi when I sign on T.T no family feel to it at all ): Come back MmYuMMy! I miss you!

other than the guild situation, not much going on. I think I have a very unhealthy desire to level and be pro. I know everyone wants to level and be high level, but I like NEED it. haha lol. even I know I grind too much -_- and because of spending so much time of Maple, my grades suck atm -_- but oh well, it’s senior year and on top of that, second semester of senior year, so who cares? (:

I’m going to get a pet soon, any suggestions? oh and one question, for evolving pets like the dragon, MUST you evolve them? I really like the baby dragon but the adult dragon is ugly and mean ._.

well this was a boring blog, but hopefully I’ve acquired at least one reader thanks for reading! and be sure to check back, I’ll blog often.

until next time!

6 thoughts on “First Blog (:”

  1. DarkDragoon said: “:]
    Tell me thy server pl0x and I shall be thy friend if thou art in Windiar”

    Ignore him. Broa FTW! Also, welcome to MMO Tales! Weird place. You probably will get a comment sooner or later saying ‘make your blog longer’ or something.


  2. ipod123432 said: “

    DarkDragoon said: “:]
    Tell me thy server pl0x and I shall be thy friend if thou art in Windiar”

    Ignore him. Broa FTW! Also, welcome to MMO Tales! Weird place. You probably will get a comment sooner or later saying ‘make your blog longer’ or something.


    Ignore that flaming piece of hardware Broa sux

  3. What about Khaini?

    Khaini’s so awesome, even the guild hackers couldn’t resist going after it first.

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