Blog Poll

Well, I just created an MMO acc and all my friends say im good writers, so im asking what kind of Genre ppl like best.

Please vote on one.




Just blogs abut a day in maple


All around.

(sorry that there isnt “love/romance” but i cant write those very well…)

Please say you like this blog so it can get on the front page and more ppl can vote.

6 thoughts on “Blog Poll”

  1. Do what you do best. But I like a good action/ adventure with a little comedy in it. Romance would be a good twist into that too. That’s what I’m trying to do in my story.

  2. comedy, action, or possibly mystery. never ask me what to write/read because im a bookworm and i will read anything exceptfor the dictionary, atlas, and all that boring stuff -.-

  3. i think i’ll go w/ action/adventure and maybe some comedy and romance mixed in between.
    now i gotta brainstorm. all the good subjects have been taken =(

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