The life of a female warrior Ch.6

I think the story is ending soon…anyways…hopefully this chapter will be better then the last one.
It was decided that Emily would travel to Hasha’s house in Ludibrium and slip a drug into his drink to make sure he would be fast asleep. At night, Paige and I would then meet up with Emily there and search his house for my belongings. If the plan succeeded, we would be out of Ludibrium before sunrise and Hasha would be completely clueless.

“Wish me good luck!” yelled Emily from the top of the colourful train to Ludibrium as it was pulling away from the station.

“GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!” screamed Paige and I as loudly as we could. I knew that there was a high chance of Emily getting caught while trying to sneak into Hasha’s house but I hoped for the best. The train would reach the Ludibrium station in 5 days and Emily had promised to call us the minute she arrived there.

During the next few days, Paige and I had absolutely nothing to do. We were too anxious waiting for Emily to call us, to let us know she was ok.

On the morning of the fifth day, Paige and I waited by the phone to hear from Emily. A few minutes later, the phone rang. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGGG I picked up and timidly answered, “Hello?” while hoping that I would hear Emily’s voice on the other end.

“Hey Marie! Just calling to tell you that——–“said Emily but before she could finish her sentence, the line was dead.

“Emily?! EMily?!!??!EMILYYYY?!?!?!?” I yelled into the phone frantically, hoping to hear a reply. Paige had a grave look on her face. Even though she was normally really pale, I could tell her face was wayyy paler then I thought possible. She looked like a zombie!

“Oh my dear lord…Marie, What do you think could have happenned to her?” asked a fear-stricken Paige.

“I…I….I don’t know…” I answered and dropped the reciever as the sound of a dead line kept echoing throughout my cabin.

We could not afford to lose anymore time so, immediately Paige and I packed our belongings. To make sure we could catch the earliest train possible, Paige teleported not only herself, but me too and all of our personal belongings. Paige was so out of breathe when we reached the station that she almost fainted. Thankfully, I handed her a bottle of pure water in time.

As we boarded the train, we were ushered to our room. It was fairly small but we didn’t need too much room anyways. As the train started moving, I watched other passengers wave good bye to their familyand friends while Paige and I had nobody to wave to. Emily, Paige and I were practically family since our parents had all died against Zakum,long,long ago but now it was only Paige and I. We had no idea what had happened to Emily and we wished for the best.

It was now evening on the first day aboard the train. I stood at the back of the train and watched the dot which used to be El Nath, get smaller and smaller. I kept thinking, What if Emily is dead? What if she’s seriously injured and dying now? If she’s dead then it’s all my fault. I closed my eyes as wave after wave of tears dripped out and I reminisced all the good times I had with Emily. If anything bad happened to Emily, I would not be able to forgive myself.

My tears were almost blinding me now and I tried to wipe them all away when I heard a male voice call out, “Marie?”

I turned around and there stood a priest clad in pure white. I could tell he was a fairly high level because he was wearing a white Seraphis, a white anakamoon and he wielded a Cromi. “ I know you?” I asked tentatively.

“Tsk tsk..You forgot your childhood friend already?” replied the unknown person. When I shrugged and still could not remember his name, he said, ” It’s me! Joey! JoeyChen! How could you not remember me, Marie?”

“Ooooohhhh! Wow…you’ve certainly been studying a lot..Haven’t talked to you in such a long time and you’re a priest already..” I said.

” Yah I know..I lost contact of you after you moved to El Nath..” Joey said. “By the way, how come you were crying?” he asked.

“I wasn’t crying..” I replied as I looked away from him.

“Yes you were..look at you..there’s makeup smudged all over your face!” he continued, ” Why were you crying? You were never a good liar..Out with it.. You can trust me, can’t you?”

With a sad sigh, I told Joey the whole story from start to finish and I told him that I really regretted choosing to become a warrior because not only did I get laughed at and made fun of, but now, my job choice had caused one of my closest friends to get hurt and possibly die. At the end of my story all Joey could say was,”Wow…”

He tried his best to cheer me up but to no avail. In the end he decided to delay his training to help Paige and I find Emily and also get my belongings back.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this chapter ^^ The story is probably ending soon…I’m not sure..but plz give me some feedback..xD I’ll post the next chapter soon.

One thought on “The life of a female warrior Ch.6”

  1. AGAIN da first <wootwoot> ahaha yah, well, i think i no wat happened 2 meh, >=[ <a-HEM> lol w.e well i hoipe i come out al right T.T wah

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