All my friends quit

I’ve played MS since Tespia was out and only now did I realize how many friends I have lost. I went from Tespia to Scania to Broa. I dont expect you to read all this but if you are can I guess..

Pinto aka theprecious-twin from Tespia..quit because of college and started playing in scania

Kdrox and cocodrilo and jak112(or jak221 or jak122..)- friend from tespia, plays in scania

Robzombie-friend from tespia (a bit wierd but really funny), went to scania then to bera..(don’t know if he quit or not)

Lijunjie, fithra,ckmagic,xzeron..etc- friends from tespia..they play in scania now and some quit

iFets- friend from broa, he quit

Icechoasmage- stopped being friends for a stupid reason

Mage1059- NICEST friend ever.. I’m serious..he was a great friend…I think he quit because he just stopped going on one day..

Hashafury- quit in broa

Polydemius-is quitting in broa

Redmagics- she quit in broa

KT (lots of IGNS..)-He went through a lot of servers, I don’t know which one he is playing on currently or if he still plays or not

Pupus- My twin on Broa. She stopped going on one day, so I’m assuming she quit.

GoliathJ- My other twin on Broa. She stopped going on, shes not even on the ranking list anymore. I think she deleted her character or got banned.

xMariee- My twin on broa too..>.< She hasn’t been on in a while

Chibisonic- Friend from Scania. She quit on broa and plays in another server now.

To me, this list is like a list of dead soldiers from a war. It’s so sad. A few years from now, I’ll probably just remember them as friends from a computer game and I could pass by one of them in real life and never know I was friends with them before they mysteriously disappeared. So many of my friends are old friends from Tespia..and now I have no idea what happened to them, how they’re doing, or even if they quit or not. I’m sorry if you had to read through this but I’m sad..

Sorry if you had to read through this, I just felt like dedicating a blog to all my friends who no longer play with me and to all my friends who quit or just stopped playing without a good bye.

If any of you happen to read this, just know that I miss you all and if you quit suddenly without telling me, I never had a chance to say goodbye so here it is..Good bye! Good luck with life.. If you have time, come and visit me on Broa.. :'(

I’ll make new friends but there was something special with the first group of friends I made in Tespia. We seemed to click, if you know what I mean.

15 thoughts on “All my friends quit”

  1. I’m sorry, i had friends too, but it’s best to ask for their SN/Email before they leave so suddenly.

  2. i feel u 22Marie, I’ve had over 35 friends quit, one of them was the awesomestest person u would ever meet, and je jus stopped playing one day.

  3. I’ll be your friend! I have chars in all the gms worlds except bera. although my main is on khaini,

  4. It’s like graduation, everyone just goes off on their own way. Sad, but inevitable.

  5. I can be your friend! XD i think i’m in broa, i always mix up with bera broa bera broa, okay! >:D nways! add me if you have time ^^ char name : VanillaPocki ^^

  6. awwwwwww marie i never realized how many ppl u lost (im surprised bout chibisonic actually) well marie, <sniffsniff> cherish all those memories u haf n never 4get em even if it is just a game, cuz its more then just a game when u got good friends 2 share it with. never forget em, n dun feel bad they quit or changed serrvers, be ahppy u met them n got 2 share times wit them, cuz if u hadnt, u probably wund haf continued p[layin MS.

    Cherish all ur best times on MS with ur old friends, and keep in touch.

  7. Thnx everyone. I’ll add you guys xD.
    Emily- The reason why I had to write this blog was because I lost complete contact with some of them. Some just vanished from MS and stopped going on completely so I cant keep in touch with them, >.<

  8. i noe how u feel, cept its da end of middle skool for me so im not gonna see most of my friends or ppl i noe. im gonna keep in touch wid like 15 ppl out of like 250. now u made me feel depressed ='(. im gonna miss my friends . . .

  9. same here from only the move from tespia to scania i lsot 18/20 of my friends
    one was the best friend u could ever have
    we trusted each other like brothers

  10. Lotta friends of mine have quit and are in the process of quitting, so I can feel the same.

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