More Tales of Zk and Adventures Beyond.

The Mascara
Basically it was a monster attack event based on the chineese lunar sth festival.
I saw a gm suddenly appearing from behind me and
I died lol,like 6 times?..
Aniway,after awhile it got less laggy
but those crogs were pesky.
I couldnt survive their 3.5k blow without hyperbody.


She woke up like 6:30am in the morning and rushed to zakum asap.
Well she managed to get in with the help of a famous guy whom was a friend of her boyfriend.
She even managed to be on the good side with some one famous by giving him 3 pet food to feed his perished pet.
And lol,some rabbitil guy tried talking me into giving the bomber some money.
So 999,999 ; gone.
link read more


Im done with MMO Tales I don’t go on so Ima gunna quit I might go on and post some stuff but yeah Im done with it no more comics or crap.
So goodbye
~Pie~™(Take the sig if you want to its the TM is alt+3510)
The picture is my new NXed up character(MyGuy23 and Puff my panda)
Before I go I’d like to say thanks to the people who helped me out with stuffs like Ganz and well Cheezy for being himself and all of MMO so goodbye now.
The pic isn’t working so theres a link.
applebomb when Im on you can stalk me or anybody I guess read more

Hacks plawks D:

Disregard the title. I was bored ._.

Been awhile since my last blog, infact, been QUITE awhile. Meh, not caring. Now to get to why I made this blog.

Yeaahh, still 54, but 60%, so yay. School work is biting my time, so can’t really train. I just lead for LudiMaze on weekends. Oh gawd I’m like, becoming famous there. But actually, I like being famous O: Yesterday I went on due to Shining forcing me via MSN and eventually she had to leave. :l But after that I stalked 13lue, helped her train. There was this random noob that followed me, I think he wanted some of my cool stuff from LudiMaze <.< Well yeah, I had a fun time. Sorry I’m horrible at screenying things, but I did manage to get 5 pics. Pic 1 is me yelling at 13lue since she said I phail >.> Forgot for what reason. Pic 2 is me fooling around in amoria, notice my pet is way over yonder, still jumping o.O Pic 3 is, well it’s lines from “Shoes” and I stole 13lue’s line Pic 4 is some guys hilarious smega’s, sorry for the mouse in that one. And lastly, the final pic is me signing off Maple, since I had to get my homework done D: read more

A Dark Secret- The Breakout

Location- Abandoned El Nath Mines
Objective- Find evac
Squad- Sergeant Alpha, First Sergeant Lee, Warrant Officer Santiago, Sergeant Sleyin, Corporal Jenkins

Cipher blasted down another Taurogunner with an entire clip of ammo. He slapped a fresh clip into his MA5C before he slung it for the S2 AM. He had very little experiance using a sniper rifle for close range purposes, but its better to learn now then never. read more

Knock me off the front page, will ya?!

Just wanted to post a thing or two made by me and a thinger or two by the fatasmic Ganzicus that I forgot to add to my last blog:

What I do. Ganzicus owns.
I spent 20 minutes on this thing in MS Paint. I got too lazy to look people up and see what they’re wearing, then I left people out (I mostly kept people who would notice they were missing). Also, I think Cheeze looks better in this picture and I totally forgot what GanzTM wears when not in his armor. And Lee (DarkDragoon) may or may not have that hat. >.>
A banner for my guild made by King of Edit himself.
Thing I made about 3-4 months ago before I got my streetlight.
(Edit) Paint, photobucket, or the sucky old computer messed up these pictures and their already poor quality! D<
Going to bed. >=[ read more

Nexon hates Global.

Ever wonder why we never got those 2x EXP cards till late in the game while Maple Europe and Maple Sea got it in their early stages? How offical Taiwan Maple Story has 11+ servers and forth job, not to mention uber cash items released sometimes even before Korean Maple Story? How Maple Sea got EVERYTHING before Global did and they started AFTER Global? Note Taiwan Maple Story also started after Global and they are face to face with JMS. The only thing exclusive for us is New Maple city, and it isn’t even that amazing compared to the Singaporean Maps, Taiwan 101 tower, and what not. I mean the Taiwan 101 tower has new hair styles and new bosses. What do we get in New Leaf City? Yeah we got the oh so famous Emo hair (which is now over rated.) but did we get any new bosses? No. Any intresting monsters? I mean an elephant blowing out fire…(IT’S OVER 9000) A killer plant… A machine spider… == a bee… The singaporean map also has that uber captain ghost boss. read more


I figured this was a good place to say once and for all: I’m sapphire8, this is my new MMOid. Yeah. Anyways, onto the actual blog… this is a random poem I came up with while reading about unique “fun” builds.


The ‘perfect’ souls
The ones who boast 4/4 dice rolls
The dexless sins
The clerics, all identical twins
The perfect builds
Cookie-cutters fill entire guilds
The funded ones
Whose every equip is worth tons… read more


rawr. This is my first request using photoshop.

Anyway, today I woke up, had breakfast, went to schoolm came back from school, ate lunch, went to have violin lessons, ate dinner, and now math homework. NO MAPLESTORY TO BLOG ABOUT DANGIT.

anyway, I hope its good, cause I deserve to be flamed



Hahahaha *cough* *choke* GAAAAH *random person attempts to help me but stabs me with a gel pen instead* *yells*

Ahhh, oh, you’re reading this. I forgot. Oh right. Gunbound. <_<

Well, today, I played Gunbound. Which I downloaded 2 days ago(?) I think. Not shure. But maan, today was the worst day of my entire Gunbound playing history. Seriously. read more

Scammers of MapleStory

Hai ppl =D. I’m new here so excuse my short blog >.>. Well my first blog (rant) will be about one of Maple’s major problems: scammers. Although they don’t pose to be a big threat to high levels and experienced Maplers, they are still quite annoying at times. Some noob scammer actually tried to scam my level 41 main in Windia (which I don’t play anymore). I mean WTH? Are scammers that dumb or are they running out of people to scam from? Today a noob tried to scam my level 21 as well (me playing with him at the screeny). Btw, does anyone know what kind of scam that is o.0. I think the noob just vacs the equip when i drop it or something >.>. GMs really need to perma-ban scammers’ account as well as hackers’. Well, that ends my first blog =P. Trying really hard to have perfect spelling and grammer lol =.=. read more