Maple Interviews

Hey~~ I’m back. And it’s another Interview with … Hey, I don’t really care. I’ll just write anything I want. Hmm… I don’t really know. Lol. Maybe… Err… Hmm.. Err.. I dunno. Maybe.. YES! AHH! LOL! THAT IS A GREAT IDEA!!

*Goes on for 2 hours*
*Dies of thirst*

Okay, anyway, let’s get on to this.. Interview.. GHAHhsavkashdhasjdajbhhashGAHAHAHAHAHAH… read more

A Hero’s Struggle Ch. 14


Hello, ALL of the People of Earth (Did I go to far?)(I think I missed that left turn a couple of blocks away)
I am sorry that this chapter took so long to release but I didn’t write over spring break and this chapter was hard to write
this is the longest chapter so far and probably will stay one of the longest
it is 7 whole pages!!!!!
yikes, somebody get me a gobstopper!!!!
okedoke, this is the chapter of brilliance and masterful skill!!!!”Yay” says the hyper bunny that hops, hops, hops (stop hopping!!!!)(this is just hoppity hop hoppy out of control)(PARENTHI!!!!!HEHEHEHE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
*spits out chapter from his mouth and makes it shiny*
Enjoy!(people who have weird hats on are advised not too read this b/c it could cause mild siezures!!!)(not really;if you want you can still wear your silly hats ) read more

My guild….need helpT_T

hello everyone,

So my guild “Snow” has been going to complete crap ever since our sader and priest ditched on us (Seort and HolyHinamori =_=…jerks) and ever since then people have been slowley leave our guild reducing it from 40 people to 24 people just because we can’t GPQ anymore.

One day while i was LPQing with my fiance Bobguardian i meet someone from a better guild that said i should join their guild if i wanted to leave snow (1337 is the guild id join) and i have been considering it but i love snow so much….they have become like my MS family and i would feel bad about leaving but yet i want to go out for bigger and better things… read more


Well I had an awesome day of PQing, and I’m close to level 57, three more and I’ll be able to use The Blessing, I doubt I’ll get it to the attack of my Maple Doom Singer(82) but I can damned well try.

The PQing went great, I see now why people only PQ with specific friends, you don’t have to deal with jerk leaders or what not. read more

I got proposed to


when it happened i was like 0.o but then I thought about it and I accepted. I didnt think he was going to do it but I guess he did =D

it was a normal day of getting much money from sakura cellion in amoria and I just finished getting my daily 50k and when I stepped out my bf met me there and said, “can I ask you a question?” read more

Server Checks

I hate hate HATE HATE HATE server checks!!!

(had to get that outta my system)

Anyway, I hate them simply because they don’t seem to do anything…except give me more to download. T.T
Wich won’t be a problem as soon as I get my decent internet back. (dial up right now)
But, whatever, I’ll just sit and play playstation on a specially developed controller (hooves-accesible) while I wait for it. read more

Maple Wars Part I The Beginning

Wassup everyone? Everyone doing ok this past week or so? Anwayz this is my first series… Hope you guys like it

It all started on a normal day. Everyone would be in Ludi PQing and defeating Alishar. Little did they know that each time they fought him, he became stronger and more experienced. It all started here, in the land of Ludi. When people were pqing, sometimes they died, but for some reason they wouldn’t come back alive normally. People’s files were lost never to return. They noticed that this only happened while they were pqing. So they got suspicious. read more

A Hidden Secert ~Prolougums~

Mmkay guys I’m back.. well I was always here I just have a lazy problem .. thingy So today was a great day.. I did my project and it was a big hit.. with my l337 movie I probably got around the high B’s (maybe A-!) Soo while reading some blogs i just got a random idea.. then it turned into a bigger idea.. so here I am posting!~As for the title.. I have NO idea. read more

Laundy day is a very dangerous day.

I don’t want to play right now so I’m going to make another submission. This is all because of youtube. I have been watching a heck of a lot of Maple videos on youtube and seeing how “good” Maplers should be.

I wouldn’t even read this myself =____=
I’d let it circle the drain before disappearing off of the most recent blogs list.

Reasons why I suck: (in maple and otherwise) read more

Holy Toledo!

I have no idea what my title means, and I don’t think it will have any relevance to the blog, but that’s okay. Random titles are my thing, baby.

Oooh baby~

I come here to this humble domain of rotting cowpies (10 bucks to whoever figures out where I heard that) with a blog that deals about… MMO’ing!

No comics or rants today folks. Well, maybe a comic for you. read more