
Hackers are becoming a real problem. Just last night, one of my fellow guild members was saying he was training at Clang and Lorang and that 19/20 channels had a hacker in each of those channels. It’s becoming so rediculous. The more there are, the more lag it creates in the game. We need to limit hackers, and do something about them. I can’t even train at Platoon Chrono’s in Ludibrium without a hacker invading and taking over the map. I can’t even train at all! It pisses me off. And I know for a fact that I’m not the only one who’s had it with hackers. They just ruin the game. They say they hack because they need money and want to gain levels fast. Lets take the hack that takes everything on the ground, I believe that’s the vac-hack? When a legit player gets a drop like half a map away and are trying to get to it, a vac-hacker comes in and takes that drop. It’s pathetic. Hackers are people who have no respect for others who are trying to train and get money. Ok, not ALL hackers are complete jerks, but 75% of them are. We need to find a solution for them. read more


I hate Mushmoms, and all boss monsters for that matter. I decided to make a video so I did a few shots of me killing monsters and then decided to go kill a boss monster. I went o Jr Rog but it wasn’t there and there was no way I was waiting for it or changing channels till I found one so I set out for Zombie Mushmom. I absolutely hate how it takes an hour to spawn, same with Mushmom and Jr Rog’s taking 4 hours? That’s just insane. I know that they’re special and all but I don’t think they’re THAT special. And there’d be a lot less KSing if they spawned sooner. Or maybe there wouldn’t but I’d certainly like it. And I guess that’s it… read more

Aurora’s Redemption – Fifty-seven

¤ Leading Out

The tears stopped after a while; not even the heavens could cry forever. But Silver continued to lean on Jaysen, utterly worn out from her weeping. He sighed, his fingers tentatively brushing the top of Silver’s head. While he did imagine before how the girl would come voluntarily into his arms, he didn’t quite imagine that the embrace would be this heartbreaking for him. read more


Tuesday, February 27, 2007 :

I am happy to announce a new MMV, being made, I am currently filming for the MMV. It will be ready for upload in the next month.

PS. MMV = Maple Music Video 0.0

You can check out my channel my here < link >

Redefining Hate

More curses. BEWARE!

The more I play this game, the more intolerant of people I am. It’s simple, really. There are few people in this game I can tolerate. If you are literate and use common sense, I like you.

Call me up. ;D

Anyway, to the reason how I came to this realization.

I started a new character. I’ll eventually learn to stick to one character. As in the words of Chaoticx: read more

A Hero’s Struggle Ch. 6

Author’s Note

hey hey!! what’s up everyone..IN THE WORLD!!!(one can hope!!!)
welcome to the next installment of A Hero’s Struggle
sorry it took so long but my computer broke down and it commited suicide ( i went to a doc before it was too late)
and i saved it!!!!!!
Well I hope u enjoy this one cause it is very descriptive and action filled(next one will be even more action filled)(it will probly come out sometime this week)(my goal is three this week so u can at least expect tu)(haha everyone’s gonna get super angry that i spelled two wrong)(mwuhhahahahha)(Parenthesis PARTY!!!!)(selling words@@@@@@@@@@annoyin@@@@@@@@)

Hi everyone!I’m NEW ^^

[Added some Maple-Related happenings!]

Yep, I’m new ! ^__^ This is my first tme blogging in MMOTales.(obviously, because this is my first blog) I’vebeen lurking around for a while, getting accustomed to the unspoken rules (i.e It is best to use proper english) and.. stuff!
I have a low-level Assasin-to-be in Scania,who is levelling up at the rate of a Level 100 training a Green Snails. Needless to say,I’ll probably reach Second Job by..the end of the year, I guess. I couldn’t take any screenshots for you, as the button couldn’t work, and I could not find my spare keyboard. D:
Annikabelle intoduced me [read FORCED!] to this website, because I was moaning in Buddy Chat about how bored I was. I met while she was exploding in craziness at HHG1, screaming that she loved Oranges. -___- read more

Short but happy

Sorry .

Its a short blog .

No choice .

Might rewrite this next time after exams .


Meaning I can post blogs with screenies my darlings .

Thank you for reading

The Dark Deadly Mafia War.

Cheese = Sh*t.
Poop = F**k.
Ice Cream = B**ch.
Cherry = B*lls.

Military Rankings.
Common Military Ranks
Naval Forces-
1. Admiral
4. Commander
5. Lieutenant
6. Ensign
7. Warrant Officer
8. Petty Officer
9. Leading Rate
10. Seaman
Land/Air Forces-
1. General
2. Brigadier
3. Colonel
4. Major
5. Captain
6. Lieutenant
7. Warrant Officer
8. Sergeant
9. Corporal
10. Private
Commonwealth Air Forces-
1. Air Marshal
2. Group Captain
3. Squadron Leader
4. Flight Lieutenant
5. Flying Officer
6. Pilot Officer
7. Warrant Officer
8. Sergeant
9. Corporal
10. Aircraftman read more